Multi-Machine provisioned resource or blueprint is stuck in the...
With this state you can't do any second day operations. Is it somehow possible to change this state of a VM without deleting the machine?
View ArticleExecute a Workflow upon the Rejection of the Request
Hi,I am currently working on the approvals in vRA. Through vRO, we create the entitlements and approval policies on the fly depending on who should be the approvers of the request. This is all...
View ArticleFailed to deploy from blueprint: Error requesting machine.INNER EXCEPTION:...
vRA 6.2.1-2543390 Trying to deploy any blueprint in a tenant I get the following error as the requester: "A server error was encountered Error requesting machine. Nullable object must have a value.."...
View ArticleWindows Guest Customization
Hi, We have below simple requirements but we are confused with the guest customization. 1. Static IP by Network profile2. User self define the Windows password In order to use static IP, we know that...
View ArticlevRealize Automation certificate using VMCA
Hi, I am planning to deploy vRealize Automation 6.2.1 using the Custom certificates generated through vmware certificate authority (VMCA), Could you please confirm if that model is feasible and how?...
View ArticleDistributed Iaas Installtion guide needed
I need a guide which will explain the detailed steps for setting up IAAS service components in distributed environment with use of F5 Load balancer and domain level wild card selfsigned certificates.I...
View ArticleProblem installing iaas DEM workers due to complex password (fixed)
While installing the vRealize IAAS component (version 6.2), I faced a problem with the installer stopping at about 80%. There is no clear error message, but the windows installer gui is suddenly shown,...
View ArticleESXI 5.1 and 5.5 - issue on leap second
Hi, we are having ESXI 5.1 and 5.5 on our LAB. Our VMs ( RHEL 6.6 & 6.4) are being Time sync from ESXI host directly . ESXi host are enabled with NTP and connected with our corporate NTP...
View ArticleChange the subnet on Network Profile
Hello Like an idiot I've created 3 network profiles and paths using /16 subnets when they should have been /24. I'm now being asked to open up firewall rules to route between these and other VLANs in...
View ArticleStorage cost profiles and Storage DRS (datastore cluster)
Hi there,Question: if I have a Datastore cluster (assume 10 datastores of the same tier) is it sufficient to just assign the Storage cost profile to the Datastore cluster object or do I need to assign...
View ArticleVRM Agent Errors in vCAC 6.1 - Cannot complete login due to an incorrect user...
Receiving subject VRM Agent errors in vCAC 6.1 on a random/intermittent basis. I've read other posts documenting similar errors but in almost all of those posts those errors stemmed as a result of...
View ArticleOS deployment to Dell Server R720 using VRA 6.2.1
OS deployment to Dell Server R720 using VRA 6.2.1 I am looking for a document to install OS on Dell Server using VRA 6.2.1 - Please share Regards,Venkat
View ArticleAdd requester to Administrator Group of Windows VM
Is there a way to add requester to Administrator Group of a cloned Windows VM without the guest agent installed? I would like to use this custom property, but it says guest agent is needed...
View ArticlevRA - Hide properties?
HI, does anyone know how I could hide the "owner" property from a Blueprint request? and if possible the "reason for request" property also? I don't need to delete the properties, I just don't see the...
View ArticlevRA 6.2 : Custom TextBox Property : Dynamic Max Length?
We use the "Set Custom Hostname" package from DailyHypervisor to customize our VM hostnames. Currently, we have the "APP" property configured so that the maximum length allowed is 12 characters for a...
View ArticlevRA 6.2.1 Using Identity Appliance: "Use Windows session authentication" //...
I think this is happening since the early days and I thought I read that this has been fixed already, but it doesn't seem to be the case. I read through some of the threads here and it seem people...
View ArticleDatabase as a Service with vCAC
Hi, We are planning to offer DbaaS through vCAC. I could not find detailed documentation about configuring, provisioning etc., Any documentation or any sort help will be much appreciated. Thanks,SK
View ArticleResource Usage of vRealize VM's
How vRealize envrionment can get the usage details of the VMs like High CPU Usage or Low Usage is it through vCenter or anything else?
View ArticlevRBusiness Standard->vRAutomation registration issue
Hi, I'm trying to register vRealize Business Standard 6.1 (same issue with 6.0) with vRealize Automation appliance. It starts the process, complains about untrusted certificeate and just after I accept...
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