We use the "Set Custom Hostname" package from DailyHypervisor to customize our VM hostnames. Currently, we have the "APP" property configured so that the maximum length allowed is 12 characters for a specific reason. This is set up in the "Property Dictionary" using the 'RegEx' property attribute type, like so:
Type: RegEx
Name: HostnameMaxLength
Value: ^.{1,12}$
However, a situation has come up where we would like to keep that maximum value for some VMs but allow a larger value for other VMs. For example, if the user is provisioning a VM from "Blueprint A" it will use a maximum length of 12, but if it's from "Blueprint B" use a maximum of 20. Does anyone know a way this could be done, since the property's RegEx is only defined in one place (that I know of). Thanks.
-- Stephen