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vRA 7.0.1 invalid_grant when attempting to add a vRA Host using vRO


Good morning all,

I'm getting this in vRO when I try to add a new vRA Host for a new tenant.



[2016-04-18 09:33:18.738] [E] Error connecting to vCAC server! {

  "error": "invalid_grant",

  "error_description": "Invalid username or password"

} (Workflow:Add a vRA host / Add a vRA host (item0)#58067) - Neptune

[2016-04-18 09:33:18.764] [E] Workfow execution stack:


item: 'Add a vRA host/item2', state: 'failed', business state: 'null', exception: 'Error connecting to vCAC server! {

  "error": "invalid_grant",

  "error_description": "Invalid username or password"

} (Workflow:Add a vRA host / Add a vRA host (item0)#58067)'

workflow: 'Add a vRA host' (0c8620c8-056b-4820-8d8e-9744fe22e406)

|  'attribute': name=errorCode type=string value=Error connecting to vCAC server! {

  "error": "invalid_grant",

  "error_description": "Invalid username or password"

} (Workflow:Add a vRA host / Add a vRA host (item0)#58067)

|  'input': name=name type=string value=Neptune

|  'input': name=url type=string value=https://neptune.<my new tenant>.lan

|  'input': name=tenant type=string value=<my new tenant>

|  'input': name=authUsername type=string value=svc.devcloud@<my new tenant>.lan

|  'input': name=authPassword type=SecureString value=__NULL__

|  'input': name=connectionTimeout type=number value=30.0

|  'input': name=operationTimeout type=number value=60.0

|  'input': name=sessionMode type=string value=Shared Session

|  'input': name=acceptAllCertificates type=boolean value=true

|  'output': name=vcacHost type=vCACCAFE:VCACHost value=null

*** End of execution stack.


This is a new 7.0.1 installation. At first I tried just using the embedded vRO, then a stand alone.  Both get the same error.


I've tried two different administrator UID/Passwords as well as administrator@vsphere.local


As this is in the lab, I really can't open a case.


Has anyone seen this, and if so where you able to fix it?

update the data VRA after executing a VRO workflow?



I would like to know how to update the data of an item after using an XAAS type action.

Example : I use a VRO workflow to update the number of vCPUs.

But I have to wait for the dattacollection to get the information changed in VRA.

Is there a way to update the data VRA after executing a VRO workflow?


For information I use XAAS type action for a tracking with a ticketing tool.

Thanks for your help


Enable Or Disable the custom property in Catalog Request



I need to enable or disable any custom property in Catalog Request of vRA 7.x  based on external action output.

How can I do that ?


VRA 7.2.0 Bulk Import


Hi ,


i'm having some issue with the bulk import function on vrealize automation



i'm triyng to import many VM in VRA but when i generate the CSV file  i get for some of the VM an error :





this happen only for vm that reside on 2 of my 3  Datastorecluster

instead for the VM in the other 1 Datastore Cluster the CSV i filled with ce correct Datasotre cluter name


i've tried many time to modify reservation - reservation policy and other settings without result


can someone tell me wich wrong configuration may cause this error?   can you provide me the correct step to follow in order to generate a valid CSV file?



thank you



Internal error using default Orchestrator server in vRA 6.2.4


I am running vRA appliance Build 6.2.4-3624913 and am having issues with Orchestration Configuration > Server Configuration > Use the default Orchestrator server.  The error log pasted below does not make any sense to me.  However, I did notice the tenant variable changed from vsphere.local to null. Do I have an incorrect option?


Internal Error

    An internal error has occurred. If the problem persists, please contact your system administrator.

    When contacting your system administrator, use this reference: f9aae71c


2017-01-10 10:46:47,281 vcac: [component="cafe:identity" priority="INFO" thread="tomcat-http--48" tenant="vsphere.local"] com.vmware.vcac.core.identity.service.impl.LocalCafeMembershipProvider.findMembershipForPrincipals:165 - Loading user info for userid: [{Name: Administrator, Domain: VSPHERE.LOCAL}]

2017-01-10 10:46:47,384 vcac: [component="cafe:identity" priority="INFO" thread="tomcat-http--48" tenant="vsphere.local"] com.vmware.vcac.core.identity.service.impl.LocalCafeMembershipProvider.findMembershipForPrincipals:204 - Loading principals with size [9] ....

2017-01-10 10:46:47,385 vcac: [component="cafe:identity" priority="INFO" thread="tomcat-http--48" tenant="vsphere.local"] com.vmware.vcac.authentication.service.impl.SubtenantServiceImpl.findPlatformSubtenantByPrincipals:182 - Retrieving subtenants and subtenant roles for principals with size: [9].

2017-01-10 10:46:47,389 vcac: [component="cafe:identity" priority="INFO" thread="tomcat-http--48" tenant="vsphere.local"] com.vmware.vcac.authentication.service.impl.SubtenantServiceImpl.findPlatformSubtenantByPrincipals:186 - Subtenant roles and subtenants retrieved.

2017-01-10 10:46:48,178 vcac: [component="cafe:advanced-designer" priority="WARN" thread="tomcat-http--19" tenant="vsphere.local"] com.vmware.o11n.sdk.rest.client.impl.VcoSessionImpl.doExecute:422 - Error making request to vCO. Reason: I/O error on GET request for "https://vrealize.example.local:8281/vco/api/users":Connect to vrealize.example.local:8281 [vrealize.example.local/] failed: Connection timed out; nested exception is org.apache.http.conn.ConnectTimeoutException: Connect to vrealize.example.local:8281 [vrealize.example.local/] failed: Connection timed out

2017-01-10 10:46:48,179 vcac: [component="cafe:advanced-designer" priority="INFO" thread="eventPublisherExecutor-101" tenant=""] com.vmware.vcac.core.eventlog.rest.client.service.ServiceEventPublisher.run:112 - Event to be published: [eventType: ERROR, userName: Administrator@vsphere.local, tenantId: vsphere.local, targetType: vCO Server, targetId: https://vrealize.example.local:8281/vco/api,  description: Request to vCO failed. Error: I/O error on GET request for "https://vrealize.example.local:8281/vco/api/users":Connect to vrealize.example.local:8281 [vrealize.example.local/] failed: Connection timed out; nested exception is org.apache.http.conn.ConnectTimeoutException: Connect to vrealize.example.local:8281 [vrealize.example.local/] failed: Connection timed out]

2017-01-10 10:46:48,179 vcac: [component="cafe:advanced-designer" priority="WARN" thread="tomcat-http--19" tenant="vsphere.local"] com.vmware.vcac.designer.service.vco.VcoSessionManager.createNewSession:296 - 85021-Unable to establish a connection to vCenter Orchestrator server.

2017-01-10 10:46:48,180 vcac: [component="cafe:advanced-designer" priority="INFO" thread="tomcat-http--19" tenant="vsphere.local"] com.vmware.vcac.designer.service.vco.VcoSessionManager.testVcoConfiguration:276 - 85021-Unable to establish a connection to vCenter Orchestrator server.

2017-01-10 10:46:48,312 vcac: [component="cafe:advanced-designer" priority="INFO" thread="eventPublisherExecutor-101" tenant=""] com.vmware.vcac.core.eventlog.rest.client.service.ServiceEventPublisher.run:112 - Event to be published: [eventType: ERROR, userName: Administrator@vsphere.local, tenantId: vsphere.local, targetType: vCO Server, targetId: https:/vco/api,  description: Request to vCO failed. Error: 85021-Unable to establish a connection to vCenter Orchestrator server.]

2017-01-10 10:47:18,283 vcac: [component="cafe:identity" priority="INFO" thread="tomcat-http--82" tenant="vsphere.local"] com.vmware.vcac.authorization.controller.AuthoritiesController.getExtendedContextPermissionsByPrincipalRefs:205 - Getting extended context permissions for principals with size: [15]

2017-01-10 10:47:18,289 vcac: [component="cafe:identity" priority="INFO" thread="tomcat-http--82" tenant="vsphere.local"] com.vmware.vcac.authorization.controller.AuthoritiesController.getExtendedContextPermissionsByPrincipalRefs:211 - Getting extended context permissions completed for principals with size: [15]

2017-01-10 10:47:57,150 vcac: [component="cafe:shell" priority="ERROR" thread="tomcat-http--21" tenant=""] com.vmware.vcac.shell.ErrorManagerImpl.logToApacheCommons:59 - <f9aae71c> Unexpected exception was caught

java.lang.Throwable: 504

        at Unknown.Ne(https://vra.example.com/vcac/gadgets/ifr?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcom.vmware.csp.core.designer.service.plugin.vproxy%2F%2FdesignerSystemAdmin%2FDesignerSystemAdministrationGadget.gadget.xml&container=shell-default&view=default&lang=en&country=ALL&debug=0&nocache=0&sanitize=%25sanitize%25&v=300166ca9c966468a61d1a09cb2a226f&st=shell-default%3AqY1sJPONdrzosBhSuAj-L9Y4FrhhfFSR89nRpL1tYGEyHnBm0iAHfKB0i30Edml-ifKrZMJAbpVYZ5TDJR2FWjMyxR9ZZTXLXcpjCNTF37Miv9KNAC7P5_CFN5OzybQLe-IHVyXhDqyqQdF6fXYLRnweu6rB7D1v0ONUsduYEZgzy-HAo7h_j2sZQvcp3nQqmw32sgVwhFK69DertYdSktsdfi0hDxFTLZmFdZhaCqORVlmTe3LJt406M-0LvoIszR_W3C4Ak7xTCBLZ98CXDGtlXKL283JaStGVRDefGgD-OwZMVUakV905rZB2x8QkainJGw&testmode=0&parent=https%3A%2F%2Fvra.example.com&mid=0#rpctoken=1528319928)

        at Unknown.Se(https://vra.example.com/vcac/gadgets/ifr?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcom.vmware.csp.core.designer.service.plugin.vproxy%2F%2FdesignerSystemAdmin%2FDesignerSystemAdministrationGadget.gadget.xml&container=shell-default&view=default&lang=en&country=ALL&debug=0&nocache=0&sanitize=%25sanitize%25&v=300166ca9c966468a61d1a09cb2a226f&st=shell-default%3AqY1sJPONdrzosBhSuAj-L9Y4FrhhfFSR89nRpL1tYGEyHnBm0iAHfKB0i30Edml-ifKrZMJAbpVYZ5TDJR2FWjMyxR9ZZTXLXcpjCNTF37Miv9KNAC7P5_CFN5OzybQLe-IHVyXhDqyqQdF6fXYLRnweu6rB7D1v0ONUsduYEZgzy-HAo7h_j2sZQvcp3nQqmw32sgVwhFK69DertYdSktsdfi0hDxFTLZmFdZhaCqORVlmTe3LJt406M-0LvoIszR_W3C4Ak7xTCBLZ98CXDGtlXKL283JaStGVRDefGgD-OwZMVUakV905rZB2x8QkainJGw&testmode=0&parent=https%3A%2F%2Fvra.example.com&mid=0#rpctoken=1528319928)

        at Unknown.Ye(https://vra.example.com/vcac/gadgets/ifr?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcom.vmware.csp.core.designer.service.plugin.vproxy%2F%2FdesignerSystemAdmin%2FDesignerSystemAdministrationGadget.gadget.xml&container=shell-default&view=default&lang=en&country=ALL&debug=0&nocache=0&sanitize=%25sanitize%25&v=300166ca9c966468a61d1a09cb2a226f&st=shell-default%3AqY1sJPONdrzosBhSuAj-L9Y4FrhhfFSR89nRpL1tYGEyHnBm0iAHfKB0i30Edml-ifKrZMJAbpVYZ5TDJR2FWjMyxR9ZZTXLXcpjCNTF37Miv9KNAC7P5_CFN5OzybQLe-IHVyXhDqyqQdF6fXYLRnweu6rB7D1v0ONUsduYEZgzy-HAo7h_j2sZQvcp3nQqmw32sgVwhFK69DertYdSktsdfi0hDxFTLZmFdZhaCqORVlmTe3LJt406M-0LvoIszR_W3C4Ak7xTCBLZ98CXDGtlXKL283JaStGVRDefGgD-OwZMVUakV905rZB2x8QkainJGw&testmode=0&parent=https%3A%2F%2Fvra.example.com&mid=0#rpctoken=1528319928)

        at Unknown.a8b(https://vra.example.com/vcac/gadgets/ifr?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcom.vmware.csp.core.designer.service.plugin.vproxy%2F%2FdesignerSystemAdmin%2FDesignerSystemAdministrationGadget.gadget.xml&container=shell-default&view=default&lang=en&country=ALL&debug=0&nocache=0&sanitize=%25sanitize%25&v=300166ca9c966468a61d1a09cb2a226f&st=shell-default%3AqY1sJPONdrzosBhSuAj-L9Y4FrhhfFSR89nRpL1tYGEyHnBm0iAHfKB0i30Edml-ifKrZMJAbpVYZ5TDJR2FWjMyxR9ZZTXLXcpjCNTF37Miv9KNAC7P5_CFN5OzybQLe-IHVyXhDqyqQdF6fXYLRnweu6rB7D1v0ONUsduYEZgzy-HAo7h_j2sZQvcp3nQqmw32sgVwhFK69DertYdSktsdfi0hDxFTLZmFdZhaCqORVlmTe3LJt406M-0LvoIszR_W3C4Ak7xTCBLZ98CXDGtlXKL283JaStGVRDefGgD-OwZMVUakV905rZB2x8QkainJGw&testmode=0&parent=https%3A%2F%2Fvra.example.com&mid=0#rpctoken=1528319928)

        at Unknown.YNb(https://vra.example.com/vcac/gadgets/ifr?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcom.vmware.csp.core.designer.service.plugin.vproxy%2F%2FdesignerSystemAdmin%2FDesignerSystemAdministrationGadget.gadget.xml&container=shell-default&view=default&lang=en&country=ALL&debug=0&nocache=0&sanitize=%25sanitize%25&v=300166ca9c966468a61d1a09cb2a226f&st=shell-default%3AqY1sJPONdrzosBhSuAj-L9Y4FrhhfFSR89nRpL1tYGEyHnBm0iAHfKB0i30Edml-ifKrZMJAbpVYZ5TDJR2FWjMyxR9ZZTXLXcpjCNTF37Miv9KNAC7P5_CFN5OzybQLe-IHVyXhDqyqQdF6fXYLRnweu6rB7D1v0ONUsduYEZgzy-HAo7h_j2sZQvcp3nQqmw32sgVwhFK69DertYdSktsdfi0hDxFTLZmFdZhaCqORVlmTe3LJt406M-0LvoIszR_W3C4Ak7xTCBLZ98CXDGtlXKL283JaStGVRDefGgD-OwZMVUakV905rZB2x8QkainJGw&testmode=0&parent=https%3A%2F%2Fvra.example.com&mid=0#rpctoken=1528319928)

        at Unknown.WNb(https://vra.example.com/vcac/gadgets/ifr?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcom.vmware.csp.core.designer.service.plugin.vproxy%2F%2FdesignerSystemAdmin%2FDesignerSystemAdministrationGadget.gadget.xml&container=shell-default&view=default&lang=en&country=ALL&debug=0&nocache=0&sanitize=%25sanitize%25&v=300166ca9c966468a61d1a09cb2a226f&st=shell-default%3AqY1sJPONdrzosBhSuAj-L9Y4FrhhfFSR89nRpL1tYGEyHnBm0iAHfKB0i30Edml-ifKrZMJAbpVYZ5TDJR2FWjMyxR9ZZTXLXcpjCNTF37Miv9KNAC7P5_CFN5OzybQLe-IHVyXhDqyqQdF6fXYLRnweu6rB7D1v0ONUsduYEZgzy-HAo7h_j2sZQvcp3nQqmw32sgVwhFK69DertYdSktsdfi0hDxFTLZmFdZhaCqORVlmTe3LJt406M-0LvoIszR_W3C4Ak7xTCBLZ98CXDGtlXKL283JaStGVRDefGgD-OwZMVUakV905rZB2x8QkainJGw&testmode=0&parent=https%3A%2F%2Fvra.example.com&mid=0#rpctoken=1528319928)

        at Unknown.Wbc(https://vra.example.com/vcac/gadgets/ifr?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcom.vmware.csp.core.designer.service.plugin.vproxy%2F%2FdesignerSystemAdmin%2FDesignerSystemAdministrationGadget.gadget.xml&container=shell-default&view=default&lang=en&country=ALL&debug=0&nocache=0&sanitize=%25sanitize%25&v=300166ca9c966468a61d1a09cb2a226f&st=shell-default%3AqY1sJPONdrzosBhSuAj-L9Y4FrhhfFSR89nRpL1tYGEyHnBm0iAHfKB0i30Edml-ifKrZMJAbpVYZ5TDJR2FWjMyxR9ZZTXLXcpjCNTF37Miv9KNAC7P5_CFN5OzybQLe-IHVyXhDqyqQdF6fXYLRnweu6rB7D1v0ONUsduYEZgzy-HAo7h_j2sZQvcp3nQqmw32sgVwhFK69DertYdSktsdfi0hDxFTLZmFdZhaCqORVlmTe3LJt406M-0LvoIszR_W3C4Ak7xTCBLZ98CXDGtlXKL283JaStGVRDefGgD-OwZMVUakV905rZB2x8QkainJGw&testmode=0&parent=https%3A%2F%2Fvra.example.com&mid=0#rpctoken=1528319928)

        at Unknown.Zbc(https://vra.example.com/vcac/gadgets/ifr?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcom.vmware.csp.core.designer.service.plugin.vproxy%2F%2FdesignerSystemAdmin%2FDesignerSystemAdministrationGadget.gadget.xml&container=shell-default&view=default&lang=en&country=ALL&debug=0&nocache=0&sanitize=%25sanitize%25&v=300166ca9c966468a61d1a09cb2a226f&st=shell-default%3AqY1sJPONdrzosBhSuAj-L9Y4FrhhfFSR89nRpL1tYGEyHnBm0iAHfKB0i30Edml-ifKrZMJAbpVYZ5TDJR2FWjMyxR9ZZTXLXcpjCNTF37Miv9KNAC7P5_CFN5OzybQLe-IHVyXhDqyqQdF6fXYLRnweu6rB7D1v0ONUsduYEZgzy-HAo7h_j2sZQvcp3nQqmw32sgVwhFK69DertYdSktsdfi0hDxFTLZmFdZhaCqORVlmTe3LJt406M-0LvoIszR_W3C4Ak7xTCBLZ98CXDGtlXKL283JaStGVRDefGgD-OwZMVUakV905rZB2x8QkainJGw&testmode=0&parent=https%3A%2F%2Fvra.example.com&mid=0#rpctoken=1528319928)

        at Unknown.vcc(https://vra.example.com/vcac/gadgets/ifr?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcom.vmware.csp.core.designer.service.plugin.vproxy%2F%2FdesignerSystemAdmin%2FDesignerSystemAdministrationGadget.gadget.xml&container=shell-default&view=default&lang=en&country=ALL&debug=0&nocache=0&sanitize=%25sanitize%25&v=300166ca9c966468a61d1a09cb2a226f&st=shell-default%3AqY1sJPONdrzosBhSuAj-L9Y4FrhhfFSR89nRpL1tYGEyHnBm0iAHfKB0i30Edml-ifKrZMJAbpVYZ5TDJR2FWjMyxR9ZZTXLXcpjCNTF37Miv9KNAC7P5_CFN5OzybQLe-IHVyXhDqyqQdF6fXYLRnweu6rB7D1v0ONUsduYEZgzy-HAo7h_j2sZQvcp3nQqmw32sgVwhFK69DertYdSktsdfi0hDxFTLZmFdZhaCqORVlmTe3LJt406M-0LvoIszR_W3C4Ak7xTCBLZ98CXDGtlXKL283JaStGVRDefGgD-OwZMVUakV905rZB2x8QkainJGw&testmode=0&parent=https%3A%2F%2Fvra.example.com&mid=0#rpctoken=1528319928)

        at Unknown.ycc(https://vra.example.com/vcac/gadgets/ifr?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcom.vmware.csp.core.designer.service.plugin.vproxy%2F%2FdesignerSystemAdmin%2FDesignerSystemAdministrationGadget.gadget.xml&container=shell-default&view=default&lang=en&country=ALL&debug=0&nocache=0&sanitize=%25sanitize%25&v=300166ca9c966468a61d1a09cb2a226f&st=shell-default%3AqY1sJPONdrzosBhSuAj-L9Y4FrhhfFSR89nRpL1tYGEyHnBm0iAHfKB0i30Edml-ifKrZMJAbpVYZ5TDJR2FWjMyxR9ZZTXLXcpjCNTF37Miv9KNAC7P5_CFN5OzybQLe-IHVyXhDqyqQdF6fXYLRnweu6rB7D1v0ONUsduYEZgzy-HAo7h_j2sZQvcp3nQqmw32sgVwhFK69DertYdSktsdfi0hDxFTLZmFdZhaCqORVlmTe3LJt406M-0LvoIszR_W3C4Ak7xTCBLZ98CXDGtlXKL283JaStGVRDefGgD-OwZMVUakV905rZB2x8QkainJGw&testmode=0&parent=https%3A%2F%2Fvra.example.com&mid=0#rpctoken=1528319928)

        at Unknown.tcc/<(https://vra.example.com/vcac/gadgets/ifr?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcom.vmware.csp.core.designer.service.plugin.vproxy%2F%2FdesignerSystemAdmin%2FDesignerSystemAdministrationGadget.gadget.xml&container=shell-default&view=default&lang=en&country=ALL&debug=0&nocache=0&sanitize=%25sanitize%25&v=300166ca9c966468a61d1a09cb2a226f&st=shell-default%3AqY1sJPONdrzosBhSuAj-L9Y4FrhhfFSR89nRpL1tYGEyHnBm0iAHfKB0i30Edml-ifKrZMJAbpVYZ5TDJR2FWjMyxR9ZZTXLXcpjCNTF37Miv9KNAC7P5_CFN5OzybQLe-IHVyXhDqyqQdF6fXYLRnweu6rB7D1v0ONUsduYEZgzy-HAo7h_j2sZQvcp3nQqmw32sgVwhFK69DertYdSktsdfi0hDxFTLZmFdZhaCqORVlmTe3LJt406M-0LvoIszR_W3C4Ak7xTCBLZ98CXDGtlXKL283JaStGVRDefGgD-OwZMVUakV905rZB2x8QkainJGw&testmode=0&parent=https%3A%2F%2Fvra.example.com&mid=0#rpctoken=1528319928)

        at Unknown.p(https://vra.example.com/vcac/gadgets/js/core:rpc.js?container=shell-default&nocache=0&debug=0&c=0&v=21317036bb8556dfcc554656f01b588f&jsload=0)

        at Unknown.util.makeClosure/<(https://vra.example.com/vcac/gadgets/js/core:rpc.js?container=shell-default&nocache=0&debug=0&c=0&v=21317036bb8556dfcc554656f01b588f&jsload=0)

        at Unknown.anonymous(Unknown)

Cannot Add New Proxy Agents After Upgrade to 7.2


After upgrading from vRA 7.1 to 7.2, I can no longer use the IaaS installer downloaded from https://<vra>:5480/installer.


When I run the installer I get:  "A newer version of this product is already installed on this machine."




When looking at the logs, it seems the issue is the Management Agent is at version 9559.  But the IaaS Installer on the vRA appliance is at version 9518.




Any ideas?

vRA7.1 Installation validation failed




vRA7.1 Installation validation failed with below error!..


Any suggestion?....



Please find logs from /var/log/messages;


2017-01-11T17:09:49.800764+05:30 BLR-VRAPP vami /usr/lib/vcac/agent/va-agent.py: info <head>

2017-01-11T17:09:49.800768+05:30 BLR-VRAPP vami /usr/lib/vcac/agent/va-agent.py: info <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

2017-01-11T17:09:49.800772+05:30 BLR-VRAPP vami /usr/lib/vcac/agent/va-agent.py: info <meta content="text/css" http-equiv="content-style-type">

2017-01-11T17:09:49.800776+05:30 BLR-VRAPP vami /usr/lib/vcac/agent/va-agent.py: info <meta name="author" content="VMware, Inc.">

2017-01-11T17:09:49.801482+05:30 BLR-VRAPP vami /usr/lib/vcac/agent/va-agent.py: info <meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache">

2017-01-11T17:09:49.801494+05:30 BLR-VRAPP vami /usr/lib/vcac/agent/va-agent.py: info <meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-cache,no-store">

2017-01-11T17:09:49.801499+05:30 BLR-VRAPP vami /usr/lib/vcac/agent/va-agent.py: info <meta http-equiv="expires" content="Tue, 20 Aug 1996 14:25:27 GMT">

2017-01-11T17:09:49.801504+05:30 BLR-VRAPP vami /usr/lib/vcac/agent/va-agent.py: info <title>Identity Manager</title>

2017-01-11T17:09:49.801508+05:30 BLR-VRAPP vami /usr/lib/vcac/agent/va-agent.py: info <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/img/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon">

2017-01-11T17:09:49.801512+05:30 BLR-VRAPP vami /usr/lib/vcac/agent/va-agent.py: info <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/error/css/base.css"/>

2017-01-11T17:09:49.801516+05:30 BLR-VRAPP vami /usr/lib/vcac/agent/va-agent.py: info </head>

2017-01-11T17:09:49.801520+05:30 BLR-VRAPP vami /usr/lib/vcac/agent/va-agent.py: info <body class="horizon one-col">

2017-01-11T17:09:49.801524+05:30 BLR-VRAPP vami /usr/lib/vcac/agent/va-agent.py: info

2017-01-11T17:09:49.801527+05:30 BLR-VRAPP vami /usr/lib/vcac/agent/va-agent.py: info <div class="admin-header">

2017-01-11T17:09:49.801531+05:30 BLR-VRAPP vami /usr/lib/vcac/agent/va-agent.py: info <div class="admin-header-inner">

2017-01-11T17:09:49.802270+05:30 BLR-VRAPP vami /usr/lib/vcac/agent/va-agent.py: info <div class="admin-header-org">Identity Manager</div>

2017-01-11T17:09:49.802296+05:30 BLR-VRAPP vami /usr/lib/vcac/agent/va-agent.py: info </div>

2017-01-11T17:09:49.802301+05:30 BLR-VRAPP vami /usr/lib/vcac/agent/va-agent.py: info </div>

2017-01-11T17:09:49.802305+05:30 BLR-VRAPP vami /usr/lib/vcac/agent/va-agent.py: info

2017-01-11T17:09:49.802309+05:30 BLR-VRAPP vami /usr/lib/vcac/agent/va-agent.py: info <div class="content clearfix">

2017-01-11T17:09:49.802313+05:30 BLR-VRAPP vami /usr/lib/vcac/agent/va-agent.py: info <div class="content-inner">

2017-01-11T17:09:49.802317+05:30 BLR-VRAPP vami /usr/lib/vcac/agent/va-agent.py: info <div class="error-message clearfix">

2017-01-11T17:09:49.802321+05:30 BLR-VRAPP vami /usr/lib/vcac/agent/va-agent.py: info <div class="float-l ico-16 ico-error"></div>

2017-01-11T17:09:49.802325+05:30 BLR-VRAPP vami /usr/lib/vcac/agent/va-agent.py: info <div class="text">

2017-01-11T17:09:49.802329+05:30 BLR-VRAPP vami /usr/lib/vcac/agent/va-agent.py: info The page you were looking for is not available. You may need to contact your administrator with this error: 404 Page Not Found.

2017-01-11T17:09:49.802333+05:30 BLR-VRAPP vami /usr/lib/vcac/agent/va-agent.py: info </div>

2017-01-11T17:09:49.803327+05:30 BLR-VRAPP vami last message repeated 3 times

2017-01-11T17:09:49.803103+05:30 BLR-VRAPP vami /usr/lib/vcac/agent/va-agent.py: info

2017-01-11T17:09:49.803108+05:30 BLR-VRAPP vami /usr/lib/vcac/agent/va-agent.py: info <div class="footer clear">

2017-01-11T17:09:49.803111+05:30 BLR-VRAPP vami /usr/lib/vcac/agent/va-agent.py: info <div class="footer-inner">

2017-01-11T17:09:49.803115+05:30 BLR-VRAPP vami /usr/lib/vcac/agent/va-agent.py: info <div class="footer-text">

2017-01-11T17:09:49.803119+05:30 BLR-VRAPP vami /usr/lib/vcac/agent/va-agent.py: info Identity Manager Build 4161732. Copyright &copy; 2013-2016 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by copyright and intellectual property laws in the United States and other countries as well as by international treaties. VMware products are covered by one or more patents listed at <a href="http://www.vmware.com/go/patents">http://www.vmware.com/go/patents</a>.

2017-01-11T17:09:49.803124+05:30 BLR-VRAPP vami /usr/lib/vcac/agent/va-agent.py: info </div>

2017-01-11T17:09:49.803555+05:30 BLR-VRAPP vami last message repeated 2 times

2017-01-11T17:09:49.803491+05:30 BLR-VRAPP vami /usr/lib/vcac/agent/va-agent.py: info </body>

2017-01-11T17:09:49.803503+05:30 BLR-VRAPP vami /usr/lib/vcac/agent/va-agent.py: info </html>

2017-01-11T17:09:49.832148+05:30 BLR-VRAPP vami /usr/lib/vcac/agent/va-agent.py: info tcp        0      0*              LISTEN      1003      87224      27172/java

2017-01-11T17:09:49.841954+05:30 BLR-VRAPP vami /usr/lib/vcac/agent/va-agent.py: info USER      PID %CPU %MEM    VSZ  RSS TTY      STAT START  TIME COMMAND

2017-01-11T17:09:49.842065+05:30 BLR-VRAPP vami /usr/lib/vcac/agent/va-agent.py: info horizon  27172 70.8 19.2 7107428 3575344 ?    Sl  17:03  4:18 /usr/java/jre-vmware/bin/java -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/opt/vmware/horizon/workspace/conf/logging.properties -Djava.util.logging.manager=com.springsource.tcserver.serviceability.logging.TcServerLogManager -server -Djdk.tls.ephemeralDHKeySize=1024 -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=768m -XX:MetaspaceSize=768m -Xss1m -Xmx4055m -Xms3041m -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:+UseParallelOldGC -XX:NewRatio=3 -XX:SurvivorRatio=12 -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:+UseBiasedLocking -XX:-LoopUnswitching -Djdk.tls.ephemeralDHKeySize=2048 -Djava.endorsed.dirs=/opt/vmware/horizon/workspace/endorsed -classpath /opt/pivotal/pivotal-tc-server-standard/tomcat-8.0.36.A.RELEASE/bin/bootstrap.jar:/opt/pivotal/pivotal-tc-server-standard/tomcat-8.0.36.A.RELEASE/bin/tomcat-juli.jar -Dcatalina.base=/opt/vmware/horizon/workspace -Dcatalina.home=/opt/pivotal/pivotal-tc-server-standard/tomcat-8.0.36.A.RELEASE -Djava.io.tmpdir=/opt/vmware/horizon/workspace/temp org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start

2017-01-11T17:09:49.845569+05:30 BLR-VRAPP vami /usr/lib/vcac/agent/va-agent.py: info [2017-01-11 17:09:49] [root] [INFO] Initialize horizon

2017-01-11T17:09:49.917999+05:30 BLR-VRAPP vami /usr/lib/vcac/agent/va-agent.py: info ERROR: Cannot find the default tenant state. Response: '404' (Not Found)

2017-01-11T17:09:49.918020+05:30 BLR-VRAPP vami /usr/lib/vcac/agent/va-agent.py: info

2017-01-11T17:09:49.918026+05:30 BLR-VRAPP vami /usr/lib/vcac/agent/va-agent.py: info ### Init default tenant/organization.

2017-01-11T17:09:49.918031+05:30 BLR-VRAPP vami /usr/lib/vcac/agent/va-agent.py: info ERROR: Cannot init default tenant. Response: '404' (Not Found)

2017-01-11T17:09:49.991489+05:30 BLR-VRAPP vami /usr/lib/vcac/agent/va-agent.py: info ERROR: Cannot find the default tenant state. Response: '404' (Not Found)

2017-01-11T17:09:49.991606+05:30 BLR-VRAPP vami /usr/lib/vcac/agent/va-agent.py: info

2017-01-11T17:09:49.991619+05:30 BLR-VRAPP vami /usr/lib/vcac/agent/va-agent.py: info ### Init default tenant/organization.

2017-01-11T17:09:49.991625+05:30 BLR-VRAPP vami /usr/lib/vcac/agent/va-agent.py: info ERROR: Cannot init default tenant. Response: '404' (Not Found)

2017-01-11T17:09:49.997451+05:30 BLR-VRAPP vami /usr/lib/vcac/agent/va-agent.py: info Error configuring SSO, check log files for details.

2017-01-11T17:09:49.997479+05:30 BLR-VRAPP vami /usr/lib/vcac/agent/va-agent.py: info SSO failed to configure. Check /var/log/messages for more details.



How to manually change deployment lease after maximum in vra 7.2?




After upgrading to vra 7.2 the max lease date is now actually enforced, which is great. We were finding a lot of our end users where setting the lease to never expire! However, there are some circumstances where we may want to extend a lease beyond the maximum. As an administrator I should be able to do that even if the end user cannot. Does anyone know of a way to change leases beyond what the blueprint constraints are on a case by case basis?




Is there any functionality for batch editing of deployments in vRA 7.2?




We are finding it burdensome to manage deployments in vra. When it comes to deleting them, if a user has 20 deployments of single VMs, we have to click each one individually in vra console to destroy it. Then we have to click "ok" on the dialog that pops up. Is there anyway to multi-select or batch manage deployments/machines in vra? If I delete the machine under managed machines, will it also delete the deployment?




Is it possible to add or import a machine to a multi machine deployment?




Is it possible to add a machine to an existing deployment? In the vra documentation it says that while importing machines, you can only select one deployment per VM. Let's say I have a multi machine deployment and I want to add one more machine to it. Is that possible? Or if something went wrong and I need to force unregister machines from a multi machine deployment, is there are way to re-register them under a single deployment?




Archive Settings not Applied for Imported Items




I think I found a bug in vRA import process. When importing an item from vra 6 to vra 7.0.1 I noticed the archive time is not being applied. In the import CSV file, I make sure to include the blueprint that the imported item will then be associated with:


Converged Blueprint ID



That blueprint in vra 7 has the archive time set:



Yet after importing an item, if I change the lease the destroy date is set as the same as the expiry date, instead of the archive time:




What that means is that anytime I expire a VM that was imported from vRA 6, it will get deleted immediately. Has anyone dealt with this? Is there any way to change the archive time on a specific VM after the fact?

Event broker subscription via API


Hey guys,


Is it possible to subscribe to an event and run a workflow via API call?
Basically I want to trigger a workflow each time a virtual machine blueprint is requested


Thank you!

vRA 7: Error executing query usp_SelectAgentCapabilities




I am having the following errors in the vRA 7


  • CollectedDataImportService: Ignoring exception: Error executing query usp_SelectManagementEndpoint Inner Exception: Error executing query usp_SelectEntityProperties
  • DataBaseStatsService: ignoring exception: Error executing query usp_SelectAgent Inner Exception: Error executing query usp_SelectAgentCapabilities

I have followed the solutions that are found online

  1. Make sure that DTC is running - On both IaaS and IaaS SQL servers
  2. Uninstall and re-install DTC - On both IaaS and IaaS SQL servers
  3. Restart the VMs (IaaS and IaaS SQL)


However, I am still getting the same error. In the IaaS Server logs, this error was captured:

The MSDTC transaction manager was unable to pull the transaction from the source transaction manager due to communication problems. Possible causes are: a firewall is present and it doesn't have an exception for the MSDTC process, the two machines cannot find each other by their NetBIOS names, or the support for network transactions is not enabled for one of the two transaction managers. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8004D02B)


I have downloaded the DTCPing and both the servers are able to communicate with each other. Firewall has been turned off on both servers.


These servers are not joined to domain and all access are configured on the DNS server.


Appreciate any help on this issue. Thanks!

vRA 7.2 - Expire Deployment Tasks Running on Missing Deployments


Hey all,


I have an issue in vRA 7.2 where scheduled expire tasks are running continuously on deployments that have already been destroyed.  Seems there is a scheduler running the expire deployment  requests every 2 hours and they all fail because the deployments no longer exist.  Any idea how to stop this behavior.  Screenshot:



Create two custom Properties with same name


Hi All,


I have a requirement where I need to add multiple drop-downs on a Blueprint to show the networks. There are multiple blueprints where different drop-downs are required against the network ports. The challenge is you can add only one custom property in Property definition example  "VirtualMachine.Network0.Name" this is an inbuilt property that you can add only once. It won't let you set this property again. I want one set of Drop-Down in one Custom Property (VirtualMachine.Network0.Name) and another set of Drop-Down in same Custom Property (VirtualMachine.Network0.Name). And then add those Custom properties to different blueprints as per network drop-down requirement.


As per the document it says "To avoid conflict with vRealize Automation properties, use a prefix such as a company or feature name followed by a dot for all custom property names" but this does not work.


vRA Version: 7.1


Any help would be appreciated.


Thank you

vRealize Automation 7.0.1 (vRA) - Accessing Compute Resource info?




I've been given the task to create a vRO Workflow that creates a Business Group, Entitlement, and Reservation in vRA.


In the reservation part, i want the user to input the Compute resource he wants the resources to reside in, and how much Memory and Storage he needs.

In the workflow, i want to check against the selected Compute Resource if the memory and storage that the user has inserted won't cause overprovision on the selected Compute Resource.


However, i can't find a place in which to select the current provisioned resources from a Compute Resource from.


In the vRA GUI, under Compute Resources, There are the fields "Memory Reserved (%) " and "Storage Reserved (%)", which is exactly what i need, but i cant seem to get them from anywhere else to use them in the workflow.


in vRO, there doesnt seem to be a "Compute Resource" object that i can work with.


from the vRA REST API, there also doesnt seem to be a compute resource service or any http GET that will get me the compute resources.


I've gotten as far as searching inside the vRA Appliance PostgreSQL and the MSSQL IaaS DB, but i couldn't find the table that saves this information either.


I also tried getting this information from the reservation objects, but its problematic as i stated in this post: vRA 7.0.1 REST API Reservation Service - Getting computeResourceReservedMemory problem


Anyone did anything like that and could help me?



XaaS blueprint does not send any data from vRA to vRO for certain data type



I'm trying to implement a feature in the XaaS blueprint form, the requirement is to have user add additional disk when request a new VM, the ASD blueprint allows it in form of a table:



I created a vRO workflows that contains a parameter with a Array of Properties type (for drive letter -> size). When I design the XaaS form, it shows up as a Map type on vRA and the UI shows as a table like this:



When I run the blueprint, I added couple items into the table and submit the request, but the vRO workflow does not receive any data for that field (Drive Sizes), other inputs are fine.

Have anybody runs into this problem before, and how to make it works?


If the vRA Map (or Properties in vRO) data transfer to vRO is not supported, do you have any suggestion for my requirements?


Wildcard Certificate


Hi All,


I am using our company's wildcard certificate on our new vRealize 7.2 environment.  It works beautifully when I go to the portal (devops.company.com/vcac), but when I try to go to the VAMI (devops.company.com:5480) or to set up the embedded Orchestrator (devops.company.com:8283/vco-controlcenter), I get a certificate error.  When I look at the details of the error, it says the certificate is invalid, the CA Root certificate is not trusted, and the certificate information shows hostname.company.com.company.com.  Does anyone know how to fix this?

vRA 7.2 Install Fails at IaaS components



I have been trying to install vRA 7.2 and the install is failing at the iaas\web install with the below error. I have also attached the vCAC-config.log file.


Error configuring vRealize Automation Server. For more information, refer to vCAC-Config.log after collecting the IaaS logs.


Installing vCAC Server Custom Setup files on the disk

Executing:"C:\Users\svc.vra\AppData\Local\Temp\VMware\vCAC\\vCAC-Server-Setup.exe" /s /w /V"/qn ADDLOCAL=Website,ModelManagerWeb,ModelManagerData INSTALLDIR=\"C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\vCAC\\Server\" /Lvoicewarmup! \"C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\vCAC\InstallLogs-20170114045311\Server-Setup.log""

vCAC Server Custom Setup Installation Succeeded, ExitCode:0

Execution time:00:20.291

Configuring vCAC IaaS core components:

- Model Manager Web Service

- Model Manager Data

- Administration Portal Website

Executing:"C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\vCAC\Server\ConfigTool\\vCAC-Config.exe" /S "/P:C:\Users\svc.vra\AppData\Local\Temp\VMware\vCAC\\ConfigToolProperties.vCAC-Server-Web-ModelManagerData-ConfigTool.xml" "/L:C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\vCAC\InstallLogs-20170114045311\vCAC-Config.log"

Running vCloud Automation Software Configuration Wizard in silent mode.

The following vRealize Automation features have been installed and selected for configuration:


Model Manager Web configuration is complete.

Model Manager Data configuration is complete.

Endpoint {0} registration in virtual appliance failed.

vCAC-Server-Custom-Web-ConfigTool Installation Failed, ExitCode:1

Error configuring vRealize Automation Server. For more information, refer to vCAC-Config.log after collecting the IaaS logs.

Execution time:15:10.931

Reconfiguring an Item to add a second NIC on the same external network as an existing NIC


Hi there,


We have a simple IaaS Blueprint that provisions a VM with a single NIC, the network to provision to is specified using the VirtualMachine.Network0.Name property.  External Network Profiles are then used to control IP address allocation.


We now have a user requirement for a specific application to have a second NIC on that same network. If I attempt to reconfigure the provisioned VM to add a second NICon the same network as the first I get the error "You chose a name that is already in use. Chose a unique name".


vRA is 7.01


The question - is there a way to achieve this so that the additional NIC can be added through vRA and the correct IP address added from the pool?



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