Problem adding Network and Storage Paths in VCAC 6.1.1
Hi, Having issue with VCAC 6.1.1 that when adding resource, VCAC able to see CUP resource only , but not able to view any Storage or Network resource.Confirmed that Storage Cluster created and in...
View ArticleCreating a VMware Communities Stack Exchange site.
Is there any interest in creating a 'VMware Communities' Stack Exchange site. The Stack Exchange format is, in my opinion, far better than that of this site. Virtualization, Cloud and Grid Computing -...
View ArticlevCAC 6.0 - VM Provisioing stuck in "inprogress"
I have implemented vCAC 6.0 in our environment for POC. All worked fine. Recently i started getting the error message "There is no Distributed Execution Manager (DEM) running as a Worker. Many actions...
View ArticlevCAC integrated with vCloud Director - Information not updating in vCAC
Hi all, I am doing a vCAC inegration with vCloud setup in a customer site. I had integrated the vCAC using a cloud endpoint and vDCs created in the vCD is now visible in the vCAC as computing...
View ArticleDecision time...vcloud director or VCAC and why for a new cloud provider?
Hello all,I have a question that may hopefully be a relatively easy one to answer for most of you. I have been tasked with coming up with a public cloud solution using vmware products. On the one...
View ArticlevCAC 6 hostname customisation?
Hi everyone, I'm slowly getting to grips with some of the vCAC features. I've managed to build some basic profiles with some basic customisation. I'm using customisation specs along with custom...
View ArticleError when vCAC Collects Data on VM in SCVMM Cluster
I was able to successfully add the Hyper-V cluster in SCVMM to vCAC, but when it tries to gather information about the VMs on the cluster it gives this error:Failed to collect data on host XXXX for...
View ArticleVCAC 6 timeout suring guest customization
Is there a way I can set the timeout higher for this setting? I don't see a place in the iaas configuration file for this timeout.Thank you -Stephen[Server] [CustomizeVM] Customization of Server...
View ArticleIs LDAP a requirement?
Is LDAP required? I have automation center installed along with IaaS. I don't have a need to have users crested VMs on the fly. System admins will be performing the installs. So far I gave IaaS,...
View ArticlePresent Provisioning Wizard to End User
I am in the beginning stages of deploying VCAC and vCO. I was trying to go though my list to determine which catalog items I would like to make available. I started to realize that there are a lot of...
View ArticleVCAC6 and VCHS
Hi, I am new to VCAC and created a blueprint to provision a Linux(centos) VM (vapp) in VCHS.Endpoint is well configured and data collection finished successfully. When running a request I get the...
View ArticleWorkflow to create vCAC reservation
Hello,We need to be able to created multi-machine VMs on demand. We need to isolate access to the VMs, and our current approach is to have a distinct business group/reservation for each multi-machine...
View ArticleEdit Virtual Machine failing with "[Error code: 42000 ] - [Error Msg:...
Hi Guys, Strange issue with our prod vCAC instance. When I try and edit a VM that I have provisioned to change memory/storage/cpu allocation it fails almost instantly with the following error:...
View ArticleBusiness group custom properties lost in Multi-Machine Blueprint
I have several custom properties that are defined in my business groups. When I deploy a single machine blueprint those properties are passed into orchestrator where I use them. However, when I add the...
View ArticleError invoking workflow from vCO
I've got a workflow setup in vCO that is being called from vCAC Designer ExternalWFStubs.BuildingMachine. The workflow works, i can run it manually from vCO. So I'm just trying to invoke this...
View ArticlevCAC 5.2 with Datastore cluster
Hello, I am having storage issues in the environment and wanted to create datastore cluster to address this issue but i am not sure if this is going to be supported by VCAC 5.2 or how well this works....
View ArticleConnectivity between vCO and vCAC broken
Hello, We have been running vCAC 5.2 for the last 6 months, we have created quite a few vCO workflows that allow us to update our uCMDB, add the machine to DNS and other business processes. We use the...
View ArticleSSL error when log-in as a tenant;
hello administrator@vsphere.local can authenticate no problem and create tenants. When a tenant logs in there is an error in the browser consoleOn the vcac appliance in /var/log/vcac/catalina,out is...
View ArticleEditing e-mail notifications - velocity templates
Hi,I know that this topic has been picked up before. Since vCAC 6 the old e-mail templates on the vCAC Server are, for the most part, not being used anymore. The notifications sent out by vCAC are...
View ArticleSimple network mapping fails - No reservation available that has all...
Pretty new to vCAC, so I'm playing with some property definitions. I've setup the mappings for VirtualMachine.Network.Environment and VirtualMachine.Network0.Name. Basically the dropdown will say...
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