Hi, Having issue with VCAC 6.1.1 that when adding resource, VCAC able to see CUP resource only , but not able to view any Storage or Network resource.
Confirmed that Storage Cluster created and in used by VCD vapp cluster from vCenter
Fabric Groups able add endpoint for vAPP(vCloud Director) and vSPhere(vCenter)
I been looking for work around, but the following error keep appear in the Infrastructure->Log , and I can not get a clue what went wrong with my VCD/VCAC environment. Please Help
CollectedDataImportService: Ignoring exception: Error executing query usp_SelectOverdueDataCollectionStatus Inner Exception: Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.
Here is my Environment , Please help
using Native Active Directory running on 2008R2, with SQL 2008 running on WIndows 2008R2 SP1
VCAC 6.1.1
VCD 5.1.1 Build 875157
vSheild Manger 5.1.2 943471
vCenter Linux 5.1.2 1473063
ESX 5.1.0 914609