Installing vCAC 6.0 without the Idenitity Appliance
Hello everyone. Is there any best practices or instructions on how to install vCAC with just jusing vCenter 5.5 SSO? Thanks in advance..
View Articledelete endpoint says 1 compute resource in use
This endpoint is being used by 1 compute resources and 0 storage paths and cannot be deleted. where can I see which compute resource is using it and delete it.
View ArticlevCAC 6.0 Unable to log in after tenant creation
After creating a new tenant to use with vCAC 6.0, I log out of the default login (administrator@vsphere.local) and proceed to go to the new URL and login. When I do, my login attempts fail. I've...
View ArticlevCAC6 IaaS Install fails with Config wizard - unable to execute SQL command...
Kia Ora. Putting together first vCAC6 poc. The Appliances are up and working fine, now up to the IaaS on Win2k8r2 with local SQL Express and this install fails. Pre-Reqs work. Installed and patched...
View Articledelete endpoint says 1 compute resource in use
This endpoint is being used by 1 compute resources and 0 storage paths and cannot be deleted. where can I see which compute resource is using it and delete it.
View ArticleExport/import vCAC blueprints or service catalog items
For vCAC 6.0, is it possible to export blueprints or service catalog items to files and import them to another vCAC system? If possible, how?Thanks.Lejin
View Articleupgrade path from vCAC 6 beta to GA
I was trying to see if there is an upgrade path for the IAAS VM from 6 beta to 6 GA. I'm trying to determine if I will need to setup a new VM.. If a new VM is the only option, then am I better...
View ArticleInstalling vCAC 6.0 without the Idenitity Appliance
Hello everyone. Is there any best practices or instructions on how to install vCAC with just jusing vCenter 5.5 SSO? Thanks in advance..
View ArticlevCAC Register problem on Application Director 6.0
I tried to register vcac 6.0 on Application Director 6.0. I got this error. register-vcac-server --componentRegistryUrl https://172.28.x.x --ssoAdministratorUsername administrator@vsphere.local...
View ArticlevCAC 6: Workflow with PowerShell Error
Trying to call a simple PowerShell script that adds a DNS record after the machine is provisioned.The script runs fine when I run it from the server, but I get the following error when I call it from...
View ArticleAdd and Remove DEM Worker
Hijust installed VCAC 5.2 on one server and would like 2 other DEM Worker on different servers.i installed the DEM Worker (with different names) and they appear as offline. is there anything i should...
View ArticlevCAC 6.0 CloneWokflow and VM power-on/off via Blueprint
In vCAC 6.0, I created a Blueprint to clone a VM from vCenter VM Template. I am using CloneWorkflow (per-defined or default in vCAC 6.0) as the provisioning workflow and I am also calling an external...
View ArticlevCaC and vCloud
This is a very newbie qeustion, but I need clarity and I'm not getting it from our VMWare SE and the online documentation is less than clear. We have an instance of vCloud Director which we are using...
View ArticleMissing BluePrints in vCAC
Hello,Just had my VCAC up and running. First thing I notice is I'm only able to create Cloud and Virtual BluePrints. HyperV, Xen, and Physical BluePrint creation is missing on the dropdown (see...
View ArticlevCO - add a vCAC Host
Hi, I'm using vCAC 6 with the new vCenter SSO version. I've configured Orchestrator and I could create new actions (very cool). But when I'd tried to register the vCAC host with "Add a vCAC host"...
View ArticlevCAC 6 Infrastructure Admin role not authorized
Hi, I have VCAC up and running, and I've assigned myself to be both the tenant and infrastructure admins for the default tenant of vsphere.local. I can login, but I can't perform any actions under...
View ArticlevCAC 5.2 cannot release IP address once delete virtual machine in vSphere client
Hi, As try to delete virtual machine in vSphere Client 5.5, it can not refresh in vCAC5.2 for the Network profiles so it is full now. Should it be possible any refresh function for network profiles in...
View ArticleMachine Lifecycle States - Physical Machine
Referring to -- vCac 5.2 - Operations Guide, Appendix D - Machine Lifecycle States It does mention workflow states for Master, basicVMworkflow etc, but it does NOT mention physical provisioning...
View ArticlevCAC 5.2 how to create blueprint from sysprep and apply IP address
Hi, I have succeed in creating a vcac 5.2 PoC environment for testing, it can also connect to vCenter.After I create a blueprint from clone a sysprep win2k8R2, I suppose it can pass all sysprep...
View ArticleWhat are the vCAC 6 Load Balancer URI's
I have built a Distributed install for vCAC 6.0 and have the Portal, Web and Manager components behind a vShield Edge Appliance. It appears that the Portal components (vCAC VA) are able to be checked...
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