How to access the parent appservice from component machine/vm in a Multi...
Hi, I have been working on a vra automation project. In Orchestrator I have access all the information for a particular component VM (for instance, vCACVm, vCenterVm, virtualmachineEntity, vCACHost,...
View ArticleEditing the Postgres database on Vrealize Automation 7
Hi, I'm trying to edit the PostgreSQL database in VRA 7 in order to erase the existing license key so i would be able to use the Eval License key i'm using the solution specified in one of the posts...
View Articlewildcard certificate on IaaS components
While the wildcard certificate is supported on vRA appliance, isn't the wildcard certificate supported on IaaS Components? Certificates
View ArticleUsing Blueprints with vCloud Director endpoint
Hi, I have created a blueprint which has a CentOS 7 client and a Windows 7 client which are cloned from vApp templates, this deploys new VMs but in new individual vApps. So if I stand up 5 CentOS VM's...
View ArticleSoftware deployment stuck at "in progress" in Centos 6.7 and 7
Hello everyone, I installed VRA 7 and created a Centos 6.7 and 7 templates with customization in place according to ....
View ArticleSet StoragePath in VCO during WFStubBuildingMachine
I'm trying to set the storagepath during the WFStubBuildingMachine stub. Currently the stub calls VCO where it gets the storage path. The two things I've tried: 1. Set with VCO via teh iaas...
View ArticlevRA Installation Wizard Install Failure "[ VAThumbprint; ] do not exists for...
Has anyone had this issue and gotten around it? I tried reinstalling the IaaS management agent but that didnt help. This is the error from the IaaS management agent logs on my active IaaS server. It...
View ArticleCustom Properties to allow Blueprint requestor to define IP address and...
Hi, I have a property definition which definesVirtualMachine.Network0.Name This provides a dropdown list with predefined values, by which a requester can select a network to which they wish to connect...
View ArticleHttpMessageConverterExtractor Exception during login using SDK and the...
Hello everyone, I'm trying to use the SDK for the vCac 6.2.1, using the provided ClientSdkExample. I got the following exception during the login phase:Exception in thread "main"...
View ArticlevRA7 - Bulk Import not working
Hi Guys, I have a vRA 7 environment where I am trying to import some VMs using the Bulk Import feature which doesn't seem to be working. I have already applied the patch in KB2144526 to no avail (not...
View ArticlevRA7 - Remove stale / orphaned machines from Managed Machines
There was an issue with Bulk Imported virtual machines but I am unable to delete them I know there is a KB for vCAC / vRA 6 but I doubt it will work for vRA...
View ArticleGetting "Request Failed:" error after running "Assign a state change" workflow
I'm attempting to kick off a workflow that sends an email after a machine is provisioned. A simple task, I would think. I have vRA and vRO setup, and am able to provision machines form vRA before...
View ArticleImport exsiting vm's through infrastructure organizer
I've been trying to import existing vm's under a specific tenant and I'm not quite getting it to work. First thing I tried was to add myself as a fabric admin and business manager to the tenant, but...
View ArticleNetwork profiles programmatically?
We have a large number of VLANs used in VMware, and of course these map to port groups and IP subnets in a very specific fashion. They correspond fairly well with internal orgs, and it would make sense...
View Articlejoin of vRA appliance fails
If the join of primary vRA appliance under load balancer fails during installation, what can be the cause or what logs can be useful to know the cause of issue? The join of secondary vRA appliance...
View ArticleChanging VLAN for either a dvswitch or a standard vSwitch
When creating a VM through vRA I have a need to move the VM to a build VLAN for PXE booting to build the VM then move it back to the network as defined by vRA. I have this workflow working when using...
View ArticlevRA7 DNS mix, internet-facing
Hey all, not quite internet facing, yet. But the question is around the same subject. I've read Internet facing vRA: Some considerations - - Virtualization & Cloud Management but that...
View ArticleReconfigure (CPU,Memory,Disk) IaaS VM via REST API
I'm trying to do the same thing as its been described here Re: VCAC Request Resource Action EDIT to change Memory And CPUor somewhat related Ricky El-Qasem on Twitter: "Looking for the API call to GET...
View ArticleRequest to vCO failed. Error:401 Invalid basic authntication token
Hi, I'm seeing a bad password being passed to my vRO server and even though I have checked all my endpoints and HTTP-REST entries and confirmed the password for the account that seems to be getting...
View ArticlevRA 6.2.2 - Templates Disappearing; causing issues with blueprints
We've seen this happen a couple of times and are a bit stumped. Any ideas? We set up a vSphere blueprint as a CloneWorkflow and point it at the template that we want it to clone from.The disk on that...
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