I'm trying to set the storagepath during the WFStubBuildingMachine stub.
Currently the stub calls VCO where it gets the storage path.
The two things I've tried:
1. Set with VCO via teh iaas plugin.
The option does not seem to set the value. vcacVM.storagepath = 'path';
2. Set the path as a VCO output and assign storagepath in iaas designer.
method used:
machine.storagePath = outStorage;
Where machine is a VirtualMachine type and outstorage is a string assigned via the workflowOutputCollection("storagePath").tostring().
I use this same technique with vmname and it works fine.
The error I'm getting for storage is: In vcac: Request failed: server123 not found, and possibly deleted before provisioning finished.
SO Question: What approach has been used by someone that works? If I'm on the right track what am I missing? Can you share your code or provide some direction for such a solution?