Resource Actions / mapToVCVM Bug !
All, I've been working through a bug lately with this action. - Create Resource Action through the vRA ASD Resource Actions tab- Execute actions against items in your vRA Inventory- Action doesnt...
View ArticleVRA7 Cannot choose Network in Blueprint Designer
when I'm designing a blueprint and i add Vsphere machines to it, i cannot see anything under the Network tab there should be a selection based on my Reservation Policy, i can only configure static IP...
View ArticleVRA 7 setting blueprint price
Has anyone been able to configure converged blueprint prices using vRealize 7 with Business Standard 7? It needs to reflect back to the catalog. In VRA 6 you would configure the price directly on the...
View ArticlevRealize 7 REST API - Properties Service documentation or example
The Programming Guide - vRealize Automation 7.0 states there is a "Properties Service" in the REST API, but there is no reference to it in the REST Documentation. From page 10 of the PDF, "Properties...
View ArticleManual User Action - Reject
Hi All, A VCO workflow has "Manual User Interaction" object. I have a ASD workflow that calls this workflow. When the workflow hits manual user action, an action shows up in vcac portal under...
View ArticleTell vCAC not to power on machine
Is there any way that I can configure vCAC (5.2 or 6) to not power on a machine once it's created the container. I've got a basic vSphere blueprint Server, Create, BasicVmWorkflow and I'm using it to...
View ArticlevRA 7 initial content configuration erro.
Hello Guys, Please i am trying to carryout a fresh install of vRealize Automation 7 for a production environment and i get this errorvRa 7.0 error The initial content configuration failed at step:...
View ArticlevRealize Automation logon issue
Dear Community Members,I recently deployed new vRealize Automation 7 appliance. I have succesfully completed initial configuration over the wizard. This is simple PoC configuration with single vRA and...
View Articlecustomizing content of ASD based request form field
Hi, IHAC that want a ASD workflow in the vRA catalog to add a user to a group in AD. So far so good, but this customer has a multi domain environment and if you search through the ADs you get only the...
View ArticleHiding Cost to Date Column in vRA
Hello folks and thanks in advance! I'm trying to hide the cost field from the end users. I've already "adjusted" the UI on the blueprint request form, but I'm trying to get at the Items and Request...
View ArticleRed Badge from VMware Operation Manager not shown on item detail Page
I mentioned this behavior a few times before, but now I need investigate this deeper. We connected our vCAC 6.2.1 to a VMware Operation Manager 6.0.0.All Green Systemstate badges are shown correctly on...
View ArticleAD_HostManager.findAllHosts() query format
AD_HostManager.findAllHosts() shows it accepts one parameter which I assume is a query string or some sort of filter. What is the format used to limit the results?
View ArticleSimple XaaS Items with objectless plugins
Here is my scenario, I've a workflow to create and remove DNS records with powershell plugin. I want that to be requested through XaaS and create an item that a user can then manage. And by manage I...
View ArticleAdvanced Designer Services Export via Cloud Client in vRA 7.0
Hi, How do I export my asd packages via cloud client/any other way. I tried the following: Any idea as to what is the issue or the correct syntax? Thanks,Nakul
View ArticleUnable to add External vRO 7 endpoint to vRA 7
Hi, When attempting to add and external vRO 7 instance to vRA 7 I get the following error: 'Cannot connect on port.' The vRO 7 instance is already added to vRA in the Infrastructure > Endpoints...
View ArticleNetwork option not coming in dropdown under Property Definition
I have a vRA 7 Setup and Am trying to create a drop down option to choose the vlan while deploying VM from the Blue Print. For this have created an property Definitions as below. Then i had created a...
View ArticlevRealize App Services Error
I am getting this error in vRealize App Services Error in vRealize App Services Console. Kindly Check this screenshot:- Anyone who can help me on this.
View ArticleSoftware deployment stuck at "in progress" in Centos 6.7 and 7
Hello everyone, I installed VRA 7 and created a Centos 6.7 and 7 templates with customization in place according to ....
View ArticleDEM Worker & DEM Orchrestrator frequently offline and online
Hello, I had done single server installation in which only DB server is seperate and rest all roles are installed on the single Server. I had installed DEM Worker and DEM orchrestrator in the same...
View ArticlevRealize Automation Center Proxy Agents
Hi, I have a vRA 6.2 installation, Installed a proxy agent for Hyper-v and tried to configure the same as an end point. I am running into two issues during the process. Issue 1:When I try to create an...
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