hey all,
doing a POC at the moment, worked with 6.2 but can't find how to do this in 7.0
I created a blueprint with a single machine, and added on-demand-nat and on-demand LB. Configured that machine so it can have 1-4 instances. works perfectly fine
vRA deploys 3 machines, and configures NSX LB on edge.
in vRA 7 I can't figure out how to:
a) scale in/out (how can I remove 1 machine from the deployment. well of course I could always just destroy one of the deployed machines). More importantly how can I add a 3rd if I have 2 deployed. I can't seem to be able top reconfigure the deployment
b) how can I reconfigure the LB from vRA. I have no options other than destroy it?! any chance to change policy (change round robin to something else?), disable a pool member (without having to go to NSX)?
(i found this when clicking on view components. but again no actions)
I don't seem to have any further actions in entitlements. I enabled _everytghing_ to be sure
Any help really appreciated!