I used the port 5480 configuration wizard and did a Minimal install. The IaaS server is running 2012 R2 and has MSSQL 2012 Standard installed. There are no configuration issues at all (green check marks all the way through) during the Wizard setup process. Afterwards I run the vSphere Initial Setup service catalog item and there are no issues at all connecting to my vCenter server using an AD auth based account (user@domain). Once the vSphere Initial Setup is done running and I have the VM template it found on my vCenter configured I then goto the Administration - Directory Management - Directories setup and proceed to bang my head into a wall.
Everything is on the same subnet, no firewall involved. I am getting the following error -- connector communication failed with response: Request timed out. I have tried Active Directory over LDAP & Active Directory (Integrated Windows Authentication). The Base DN and Bind DN configurations I am using all work when I click the Test Connection button. I have seen various vRA 7 setup guides online (with screenshots even) and there has been no mention of any tricks or difficulty trying to get this to work properly. With vCloud Director & vCAC 6.2 I experienced no AD bind issues at all. When I check my domain controller I do see that there has been a computer object created in the Computers OU but it is created as Disabled - I have tried to enable it but this doesn't help the issue. I have rolled back to the suggested installation Snapshot multiple times now but always get stuck on this AD bind issue.
Initially I was using PKI generated Domain SSL Certificates but on the last couple of attempts I have went with the Vmware generated certs within the appliance configuration wizard (to no avail).
Any help with this issue would be greatly appreciated.