Vcac 6.0.1 Guest agent for windows error
I am unable to get Vcac Guest agent working on Windows 7. I know that needs to be imported in Linux. Do i need to do something similar in Windows? [Tue Mar 25 05:52:36 2014] [debug]...
View ArticleDebug vCAC Email Notifications
I have email notifications enabled and an outbound server that I know works configured. In the /var/log/vmware/vcac/catalina.out log I am seeing an error containing "Exception during add message to...
View ArticleError when trying to connect to identity server from vcac 6 server during...
Hello. I am trying to install vcac6 so I can try it out but I am getting the error "Command execution failed with unexpected error:" when I try...
View ArticleVCAC 6.0.1 agent stuck in Guest agent service terminated without finalize,...
Anyone see this in Windows 2012 where VCAC is stuck in FinalizeProvisioning? Thank you
View ArticlevCAC Licensing Error
Hi, When try to import License Key to vCAC 6 , it show the following error. Would anyone give help? Thanks
View ArticleRetrieving Work from VRM : The request failed with HTTP status 401:...
I have a vCenter Server 5.5. My Domain account VCAC\administrator has admin credentials. In my IAAS Windows VM, VCAC\administrator is part of the local administrator group When I tried to create the...
View ArticleAdd VM to Xendesktop catalog
hi guys, i have a problem. after deploy a new virtual machine with vcac6.0.1 and vcenter i need it add automatically to my xendesktop 7.5 catalog.. i have no found anything about it... anyone can help...
View ArticleCreate first machine with vCac 6.0.1
Hi guys, i have a great confusion with vcac and vco. i've installed and configured the identity appliance, vcac appliance e a windows iaas server for vcac. i have configured tenant in vcac , the agent...
View ArticleAdding new volume on request not initializing or formatting
As the title state, when I do a request through vCAC and go to the storage tab. I add a new volume, give it an amount, drive letter and drive name and submit the request. The server comes up with the...
View ArticleOne Blueprint and multiple domains??
I have a request to have a single blueprint (say windows 2008) that can be used to deploy to multiple domains. The tricky part is we don't want the user select what domain to use and it to be seamless...
View ArticleOutbound Email Failing
I'm not having much luck getting vCAC to send out email notifications. I've added the mail server to the tenant, and have enabled notifications under my user prefs. In the Catalina.out file I see the...
View ArticleDefault Login Domain?
Is it possible to configure vCAC such that it doesn't require the user to add to their login details?
View ArticleInner Exception: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation:...
Morning All,A customer of mine is experiencing problems when they are trying to add users to vCAC groups within their vCAC. They add the user to a AD security group with permissions (approval in this...
View ArticlevCenter Orchestrator - The Preferred Approach for Adapting and Extending...
Automating the delivery of IT services is not a standalone application. For your private or hybrid cloud solution to be successful it needs to integrate with your existing multi-vendor infrastructure...
View ArticleLinux machines Taking two IPs from Network profiles but registering with one...
Hi all, I am having 2 issues here with vcac Network Profiles. When I use network profiles with Reservations, I will have windows machines configured right but Linux machines reserving 2 IPs in the...
View ArticleReprovision request succeeds without waiting
From VCO I kickoff a VCAC re-provision and the request comes back successful, but it has not finished the re-clone. I want the ability to wait for the re-provision to complete before I customize the...
View ArticleLicence key pour vcloud automation center version 6.0.1
Bonjour, Je suis bloqué dans l'évaluation de vcloud automation center par l'obtention d'une clé de licence d'évaluation.Quelqu'un a une idée ? Merci d'avance
View ArticleVCO Reprovision workflow help
I am trying to reprovision a machine and manually searched for the vcoId of the actions for the VM. I am trying to figure out how to derive this from the vm name. Does anyone have an example? Thank you
View ArticleBlueprint build profile
hi, i've created new blueprint for provision virtual machine to clone.. but i want add some proprety to this machine before deploy, the first is a specific OU where the computer will belocated..i have...
View ArticleVMWARE VCAC 6.0 information store question : add vsphere.local to ID store?
do you want to associate a ID store with AD at the vshpere.local level ? do you add the tenant and then add an ID store to each tenant ? am going to need several unique tenants , from what I am seeing...
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