Business Groups created from vRO cannot be deleted from vRA 7.2 console
Hi, I'm having problems with Business Groups that has been created using vRealize Orchestrator workflow "Library/vRealize Automation/Administration/Business Groups/Create a business group". The its...
View ArticleNetwork Selection in the BP
I have multiple VLAN's and I need a way to allow my users to choose which VLAN they want to build a VM. I did some research and found a blog posting and created a property definition called...
View ArticleHow to use vRA 7.1 Custom Property "VirtualMachine.Network0.Name" multiple times
In vRA 7.1 I have defined the "VirtualMachine.Network0.Name" property in Property Definitions with a "drop down" box to select from 3-networks available to a particular cluster resource via its...
View ArticleObject Inputs As Strings - Filtered, Sorted, Formatted, etc
I talk about this a lot, and so I thought I would put something together to explain it a bit. My peers and I have come up with a pretty rock solid methodology to work with VRA/VRO presentation. It...
View ArticleSorting properties returned via custom action
Greetings, I have custom vRO actions that are bound to vRA 7.2 properties. The actions are working properly and returning values into vRA. However, vRA is not displaying the properties in a sorted...
View ArticleGet custom properties by version
Hello, I have actually the issue that I'm not able to get older custom property definitions. I need this older definitions to have the exact same definitions as we had it at the time when we requested...
View ArticlevRO and vRA integration
anybody to help in answering this question:how to pass vRO workflow attributes to vRA while adding a service blueprint in vRA using a vROthere is always an error stating that, unable to get the...
View ArticleXaaS Request Page Performance
About 2 years ago when we really started to expand our private cloud offering, we found the standard request page lacking so we moved to XaaS/ASD wrappers for all IaaS blueprints. We have been able to...
View ArticlevRA 6.2 requests getting stuck in Submitted state
I have a vRA 6.2 distributed environment. It was working fine this morning, but then suddenly all requests submitted started getting stuck in the Submitted state. I did some online research but...
View ArticleShow/Hide Input Boxes Based on Checkbox
Hello- I am trying to create a catalog item that will allow a user to clone a machine from a template. I want to be able to give them the option to choose DHCP or static IP address assignment based on...
View ArticleHow to allow access to business group items without service entitlement
Hello vRealize Community, I am having a little trouble wrapping my head around the entitlements, services and business groups. We are trying to figure out a way to provision items into a business...
View ArticleHow to manually change deployment lease after maximum in vra 7.2?
Hello, After upgrading to vra 7.2 the max lease date is now actually enforced, which is great. We were finding a lot of our end users where setting the lease to never expire! However, there are some...
View ArticleAdd VM to Xendesktop catalog
hi guys, i have a problem. after deploy a new virtual machine with vcac6.0.1 and vcenter i need it add automatically to my xendesktop 7.5 catalog.. i have no found anything about it... anyone can help...
View ArticleBusiness Group not showing / available under item and request tabs in vRA7.2...
Hello, Recently we have migrated the vRA7.0 to vRA7.2.After that we have created a separate BG and configured all the required things/setting ( reservation, entitlements, etc) via portal. We are able...
View ArticleDynamically Populate a DropDown using VRO Actions
I am very new to the whole vRealize Automation Ochestrator environment. One of the first things i would like to achieve during our POC is to dynamcally populate dropdown properties. I have created...
View ArticlevRA7 Create Support Bundle failing
When I attempt to create a support bundle, It creates one for the appliance, but not the IAAS node. Under the 'Create Support Bundle' section, it is showing our IAAS 'Last Connected' date: 50 days...
View ArticlevRA Dropdown Default Value
Does anyone know of a way to set the default value in a dropdown in vRA 7?
View ArticleWrite a property to a VRA Deployment
How can I write a property to a VRA deployment, rather than a VM? If it was a VM I would write to the VCAC:Entity object but want to do this higher up so that all items under the deployment get that...
View ArticleHow Do I Reference Dynamic Request Properties in Software Deployments?
I am trying to do some powershell scripts in a machine that user the domain ID of the person that submitted the request. I found a way to parse the XML file that gets created on the local machine...
View Articleannoying error in logs "Resource not found for the segment...
I get the error below about six times every minute. I have a HA install of vRA (2 vRA appliances). After some investigation, the second vRA node is sending a request to the IaaS machines. Any ideas...
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