ASD and Owner field
On the built-in IAAS request form there's an owner field that lets you search for other users and assign ownership to them. Anyone found a way to get something like that onto an ASD form? I was...
View Articlesh script failed after Linux Kickstart Installation
Hello, I am using kickstart installation on vra 7.01. I created kickstart file without any problem, I can install guest agent and vmware tool with this kickstart file. End of the kickstart file i...
View ArticlevRA Service Account Configuration requirement
What are guidelines those are available for configuring the ad account as vra service account (In Active directory what should not be enabled or disabled for that account)?
View ArticlevRA Audit Log Retention Interval Customization
For how long by default audit log enteries are available in vRA and how it can be customized?
View ArticlevRA 6.2 - Multiple Network Profiles in a single reservation
I have a Reservation in my vRA 6.2.1.this reservation was using a Network Profile which has all the IP Pools (IPs) exhausted any new deplyments started failing. now it was not possible to add...
View ArticlevRA Machine Reclaimation
in vRA we can search the machines based on different conditions and then reclaim them and for searching those machine we have different condition like example is high cpu or low cpu. High CPU means...
View ArticlevRA 6.2 - Edit vSphere Machine Blueprint with Clone workflow
I am facing following issue.vRA 6.2.1there are several Blueprints there which are using Clone workflow. now everytime I edit the blueprint to make any small modifications. It loses name of the...
View ArticleAssign IP from DHCP to Provisioned Machine during kickstart boot.
Hi all, I have interesting question to you, maybe you've experienced before. I have kickstart file which created for get IP address from DHCP during boot. Boot parameters ;network --bootproto=dhcp...
View ArticleSoftware component computed value data type
I have the following error saving a blueprint when setting a computed value to bind to a string value on another software component.Component [Wp_Database_1] has property [Wp_Database_1~db_password]...
View ArticlevRA7 - Bulk Import not working
Hi Guys, I have a vRA 7 environment where I am trying to import some VMs using the Bulk Import feature which doesn't seem to be working. I have already applied the patch in KB2144526 to no avail (not...
View ArticlevRA Reservations and Storage vmotion
I need to storage vmotion a large number of VMs that may not be in the same reservation in VRA to different locations. What is the best way to do this without breaking vRA?
View Articlestorage vMotion under vRA
I have a number of VMs I need to storage vMotion in an environment managed by vRA. Can I storage vmotion anything within vRA using vCenter without breaking anything in vRA? What risks are there? Thanks!
View ArticleOverridable Attribute of Custom Property
I am unable to figure out the use case of overridable attribute of custom property. Can anyone help me to understand this?
View ArticlevRA 7 Multiple Machines Blueprint
In vRA 7 multiple machines can be added in one blueprint and then we can use drag and drag to link one machine with another but how can i configure startup and shutdown order as i cannot take any power...
View ArticleAny Rest API to trigger data collection request on specified compute resource...
Hi, all.I'm working on vRA testing automation through back-end rest API.Scenario: As a functional QE, I want a keyword to do data collection on different compute resource in vRA, so that user could use...
View download for vRA7 download
I am not able to find out the link from where i can download download for vRA7. Can anyone share this link with me?
View Articlelinked clone of vRA
The linked clone of vRA is available without Horizon view component, am I right?
View ArticlevRA 7 - error
Hello, I'm currently evaluating vRA 7 and I'm encountering some errors while setting up approval notification. I was wondering if anyone else had already the same issue. My deployment is a minimal...
View ArticlevCAC 6.1 - removing a greyed out storage cluster from a reservation
I have a storage cluster assigned to a reservation. The storage cluster no longer exists in vCenter, and there are no VMs assigned to it in vCAC. It's not selected to receive any VMs, but is greyed...
View ArticleHow many blueprints should we make?
Hi! When we want to deploy each VMs to each platform as following table, should we make three blueprints for virtual machine A,B,C otherwise is one blueprint enough? Virtual Machine NamePlatformA (one...
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