Server 2008 R2, external SQL DB.
Tried installing the IAAS components, and I get the following error in the log. Help!
Info : 2014-06-30 11 15 45 869 AM : ##InitializeRepo Registering solution user in the VA, initializing Repository MetaModel and Authorization
Info : 2014-06-30 11 15 45 900 AM : "C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\vCAC\Server\Model Manager Data\Cafe\Vcac-Config.exe" RegisterSolutionUser -url https://app-vcac-p ****** --Tenant "vsphere.local" -cu "administrator@vsphere.local" -cp ****** --FileName "C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\vCAC\Server\Model Manager Data\Cafe\Vcac-Config.data" -v
Info : 2014-06-30 11 15 46 383 AM : Error parsing command line. Try 'help' or 'help <command>'.
Info : 2014-06-30 11 15 46 383 AM :
Info : 2014-06-30 11 15 46 383 AM : Argument 'Files' is not a valid argument for command 'RegisterSolutionUser'.
Info : 2014-06-30 11 15 46 383 AM : Argument '(x86)\VMware\vCAC\Server\Model' is not a valid argument for command 'RegisterSolutionUser'.
Info : 2014-06-30 11 15 46 383 AM : Argument 'Manager' is not a valid argument for command 'RegisterSolutionUser'.
Info : 2014-06-30 11 15 46 383 AM : Argument 'Data\Cafe\Vcac-Config.data -v' is not a valid argument for command 'RegisterSolutionUser'.
Info : 2014-06-30 11 15 46 383 AM : Missing required argument 'File Name'.
Info : 2014-06-30 11 15 46 383 AM : Warning: Non-zero return code. Command failed.
Info : 2014-06-30 11 15 46 462 AM :C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\vCAC\Server\Model Manager Data\DeployRepository.xml(556,5): error MSB3073: The command ""C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\vCAC\Server\Model Manager Data\Cafe\Vcac-Config.exe" RegisterSolutionUser -url https://app-vcac-p ****** --Tenant "vsphere.local" -cu "administrator@vsphere.local" -cp ****** --FileName "C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\vCAC\Server\Model Manager Data\Cafe\Vcac-Config.data" -v" exited with code 1.
Info : 2014-06-30 11 15 46 462 AM :Done Building Project "C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\vCAC\Server\Model Manager Data\DeployRepository.xml" (InitializeRepo target(s)) -- FAILED.
Info : 2014-06-30 11 15 46 477 AM :Build FAILED.
Info : 2014-06-30 11 15 46 493 AM :"C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\vCAC\Server\Model Manager Data\DeployRepository.xml" (InitializeRepo target) (1) ->
Info : 2014-06-30 11 15 46 493 AM :(InitializeRepo target) ->
Info : 2014-06-30 11 15 46 493 AM : C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\vCAC\Server\Model Manager Data\DeployRepository.xml(556,5): error MSB3073: The command ""C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\vCAC\Server\Model Manager Data\Cafe\Vcac-Config.exe" RegisterSolutionUser -url https://app-vcac-p ****** --Tenant "vsphere.local" -cu "administrator@vsphere.local" -cp ****** --FileName "C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\vCAC\Server\Model Manager Data\Cafe\Vcac-Config.data" -v" exited with code 1.
Info : 2014-06-30 11 15 46 664 AM : 0 Warning(s)
Info : 2014-06-30 11 15 46 680 AM : 1 Error(s)
Info : 2014-06-30 11 15 46 680 AM :Time Elapsed 00:00:00.84