I've been attempting to get a vCloud up. As far as I can tell I've got everything working. I'm at the point where I'm actually trying to add some resources into the system. We have one vCenter with one ESX hypervisor on it. I was attempting to add that to the vCAC.
I created credentials, one for the local login that is working for on the vsphere. The other is an administrator account that's used everywhere else.
When I create an endpoint on the vCAC to the vSphere using the vSphere credentials it saves, but nothing else happens. I assume the machines are supposed to populate with the VMs I have on that server? I haven't seen anything that would let me add virtual machines manually.
I'm getting several logs:
This exception was caught: The attached endpoint 'vcac.win.jfrog.local' cannot be found.
Retrieving Work from VRM : The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized
vcac.win.jfrog.local is where the vcac software is running.
The VMs are the SuSE OVF VMs
I realize this is a bit confused. I'm obviously missing something simple, but I really don't know where to start digging into this.