In the ever growing list of things about vCAC which I am miffed that don't seem to be part of the interface is the ability to quickly display performance data similar to the charts we get in vCenter. I believe we will be getting some sort of integration with VCOPS in the near future but I am still unclear on exactly what that is going to amount to. I am hoping to get a demo of this integration relatively soon. In the interim I am hoping to somehow be able to create a custom action which would launch a url to the vCenter web client and attach that to the individual vm's. I have as part of our deployment granting read access to the vm within vCenter. Does anyone know if there is a way to create an action that will, when selected, actually launch a tab in the users browser to that vm? It is easy enough to get the url but I am not sure how I would kick up the web page. The next best thing I could think of to do is populate a custom attribute with the url and instruct our users to cut and paste it themselves.
If anyone has figured out some way to do something that is relatively functional I would love to hear it. It doesn't have to be exactly what I just described.