I have another team that has an automated process creating Golden Images so that the images are current and patched ect. When this team deploys the images around the enterprise the vnic is removed from the vm as the last step before converting the vm to a template. I have been looking to find the moment during the build when the clone of the template has finished and before any customization is applied to the template so I can run a workflow to add a vnic to the deployed image before the "set virtual machine custom value" is applied. If I use the customization spec a nic is added to the vm but the guest OS does not see it. It appears that if I run the workflow to add a vnic after the "set virtual machine custom value" is applied, the vm ends up with two vnics and then barfs because that does not match the spec.
My last attempt had these conditions:
Data > Lifecycle state > Lifecycle state name = CloneWorkflow.CloneMachine
State phase = EVENT
Event top ID = OnCloneMachineComplete
Anyone got any suggestions?