Guys so i have setup a tenant (not the default vsphere.local tenant). I want to delete this tenant. I am trying to get rid of a endpoint so that i can start clean with a new tenant. The endpoint is the first endpoint that was created after install, so its called vCenter. It was discovered and i had created fabric groups, reservations, business groups, service, catalog item and now worked my way backwards to delete all these things so that i can eventually delete the tenant and start fresh and do prpoer naming conventions for services, business groups fabric groups etc. But now that I have gotten rid of the catalog items, services, fabric groups inside this tenant. I am trying to delete the endpoimnt, it keeps saying there is a reservation. But i cant seem to find the reservation tab under infrastructure, I have tried logging on to the default tenant with the configurationadmin, iaasadmin, default administrator login, nothing cant seem to fins the reservatiosn tab to remove this reservation. So i got the cloud client and logged in and made sure that all inactive computeresources are removed. And i am trying get a list of vra reservation and it keeps saying insiffiecient privilages to make thjis API call. i do a computerecource list and i see a computeresource called "CP-ETE-Linux" and shows as active. Because when i do vra computeresource inactive list i dont see anything int he inactive list
but i cant find this computeresource in vra GUI and now I cant even remove it from cloudclient and i cant delete the tenant until i get rid of the endpoint. Is there a way to force delete a tenant or what am i missing here?