I'm using an XaaS request to take user input and replacing properties in a new provisioning request. The rough vRO workflow is as follows:
// catalogItem is a predefined blueprint
var request = vCACCAFERequestsHelper.getProvisioningRequestForCatalogItem(catalogItem);
var requestData = vCACCAFERequestsHelper.getProvisioningRequestData(request);
var jsonData = JSON.parse(requestData);
// ------ Do some processing of data here to the jsonData
// Send off the request
vCACCAFERequestsHelper.setProvisioningRequestData(request, JSON.stringify(jsonData));
result = System.getModule("com.vmware.library.vcaccafe.request").requestCatalogItemWithProvisioningRequest(catalogItem, request);
If I run this request as an admin user, then the request runs as expected and the properties are updated with the new data from this workflow.
If I run this same request as a regular user, the workflow runs successfully and the new VM is built but none of the properties are updated on the new VM.
I can output the jsonData and see that the value are in fact getting updated by vRO and sent over to the requestCatalogItemWithProvisioningRequest method.
Any ideas why I'm getting different behavior between different user types?