Trying to use updateOrCreateIdentityStore action under com.vmware.library.vcaccafe.tenant.
System.log("Updating identity store '" + name + "'...");
var service = host.createAuthenticationClient().getAuthenticationIdentityStoreClientService();
service.updateOrCreateIdentityStore(host.tenant, store);
System.log("Identity store '" + name + "' updated.");
Does this API call works?
Tried with different parameters, its always failing with Invalid Argument Error
rror in (Dynamic Script Module name : updateTenantIdentityStore#36) Invalid argument.
[2016-11-03 16:10:17.009] [E] Workfow execution stack:
item: 'AddAdUsersToVra/item6', state: 'failed', business state: 'null', exception: 'Invalid argument. (Dynamic Script Module name : updateTenantIdentityStore#36)'
workflow: 'AddAdUsersToVra' (da2f8ab6-f3f0-4983-b897-a8e7929fa6fd)
| 'attribute': name=adminPassword type=SecureString value=__NULL__
action does take care of store.setPassword(password);
Appreciate for your inputs? Does this update action helps in adding new users (Not in vRA) to identity store?