Is it possible to use "Bulk import" to import multiple machines such that they show up in the Items tab as part of the same deployment?
I've tried editing the .csv file to specify the same "Deployment ID" and a different "Component Blueprint ID" for each machine I'm trying to import. But I see this failing with the following errors in catalina.out
2016-03-07 18:28:06,751 vcac: [component="cafe:composition-service" priority="WARN" thread="tomcat-http--38" tenant="vsphere.local" context="mmFqdNxG" token="CIrFrP2G"] com.vmware.vcac.platform.service.rest.resolver.RestApplicationExceptionHandlerResolver.logException:189 - Handler execution resulted in exception: Blueprint [TwoVM] component count [2] does not match size of specified list of component resources [1].
2016-03-07 18:28:06,755 vcac: [component="cafe:composition-service" priority="ERROR" thread="tomcat-http--35" tenant="vsphere.local" context="CAzvRGJm" token="WuKfWUNh"] com.vmware.vcac.composition.service.impl.DeploymentResourceServiceImpl.validateComponentResources:752 - Failed to register existing deployment - blueprint [TwoVM] component count [2] does not match the number of blueprint components represented by the list of component resource requests [1].
contents of the .csv File:
If this is not possible via bulk import, please suggest any alternatives that might achieve this.
Thanks in advance.