Having some issues with the Location dropdown on IaaS blueprints in vRA7.
Setup: I have several Compute Resources defined, each with an different associated Location. Additionally, I have IaaS reservations, associated with each of these Compute Resources, defined under a Reservation Policy. That Reservation Policy is associated with an IaaS blueprint. Pretty standard setup, however, at this time, I am only enabling a reservation on one of my Compute Resources. The rest of the reservations associated with other Compute Resources are disabled.
Issue: When I request an IaaS Item from the Catalog, the Location dropdown shows all of the Compute Resources as options. Naturally, if somebody submits the request against a location with no enabled reservation, the build fails.
The behavior in vRA6 automatically presented valid locations in the Location dropdown. Valid meaning, only those locations that have enabled reservations. Seems this behavior has changed in vRA7 which now shows all locations defined whether the reservations are enabled or not. Is anyone else seeing this issue? Is there some additional configuration to make vRA7 behave more like vRA6?
Thanks for help.