I am testing the silent installer within VRA 7.1 but are running into an issue where the script "vra-ha-config" errors out when trying to fix the prerequisites for IaaS servers.
I am launching the script remoted with the following command:
Start-Process 'C:\Program Files (x86)\PuTTY\plink.exe' -ArgumentList ("-ssh -v -pw $rootpasswd root@${VRA1Name} bash /usr/lib/vcac/tools/install/vra-ha-config.sh")
Error message is :
"Unable to apply fix: [Security error.][Security error.]",
The Zone of the assembly that failed was:
[2016-09-19 22:23:09] [root] MyComputer
[2016-09-19 22:23:09] [root] System.Security.SecurityException: Security error.
[2016-09-19 22:23:09] [root] at System.Management.Automation.MshCommandRuntime.ThrowTerminatingError(ErrorRecord errorRecord)
This same error appears on quiet a few of the prerequisites checks for instance the uninstall of KB's and the disabling of the loopback authentication checks on the Window servers.
I have the ha.properties file configured with"
I believe this has to do with my command and security permissions but not sure how to resolve. Any ideas would be appreciated.