I'm trying to get vRA 7.1 and Infoblox plugin 4.0 with WAPI to work.
I have followed the docs included with the plugin from infoblox and everthing is fine up to creating the endpoint for Infoblox in vRA.
In infoblox we have a specific user which have permission to register/release hostrecords on one specific /24 network. The WAPI connection is successful in the logs.
On vRA 6.2 we had to trail and error to get the permissions right for that user.
As i understand, now you have to create Network Profiles i vRA, and when i do this i can choose my Infoblox endpoint ive created.
On the tab "Network Ranges" the field "Address Space" is empty and when i try to +Add - "Select Network Range" i see errors in the infoblox workflow "Get IP Ranges".
IPAM Provider Error: {"code":3000,"message":"An error has occurred while searching for networks. Detail: Result set too large (> 1000) (Workflow:Get IP Ranges / Fill Networks (item2)#10)"} (Dynamic Script Module name : throwIpamError#28)
What caught my eye was "Result set too large (> 1000)".
After that...
I have created my blueprint with a server and a "existing network", then attached the network profile i created.
I have selected on server blueprint under the network tab i choose my network profile, can choose both static or dhcp assignment type.
Under reservations i have attached my network profile to the network path.
So... does anyone know how to narrow down the search for that specific network?
Or have any idea on permissions needed in infoblox for "Address Spaces" and "Get IP Ranges"?
Can you filter in the custom properties in the endpoint maybe, infrastructure/endpoint/enpoints/infoblox-> custom properties?
The documentation ive found is so thin on this...
In vRA 6.2.3 we used the infoblox plugin 3.1.0 and did the exact same thing but we just pointed at the infoblox workflow "Reserve an IP in Network for vCAC VM" etc.
Maybe im missing something so clear i cant see it myself :(
Any idea what could be wrong is appriciated or direction to take.
I dont know if this forum is the right place but... ill give it a shoot.
Btw im just a vmware-admin and does not manage infoblox directly.
If in the end i need to call the support, do i call vmware or infoblox? :D
Included some screenshots.
/Best regards