Thought of sharing this information, as we have faced this issue multiple times while setting up fresh environment of vRA 6.2 & 7.
Installation complete - New Tenant - Fabric group & business group created -
New reservation - Resource tab - Memory and storage path does not pop up after selecting compute resources.
You see error in Infrastructure tab - Monitoring - Log... Below is the error.
(DataBaseStatsService: ignoring exception: Error executing query usp_SelectAgent Inner Exception: Error executing query usp_SelectAgentCapabilities)
Resolution :
Run following commands on your IAAS and SQL server.
msdtc -uninstall
msdtc -install
-Restart DTC service on both machines.
-Restart vRA services from IAAS box. (3 of them)
Then reconfigure the security settings for MSDTC.
1. Click Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Component Services.
2. Expand the Component Services menu item on the left hand side until you can see “Local DTC”.
3. Right click on Local DTC and select Properties.
4.Select the Security tab.
5.Click the selection boxes for Network DTC Access, Allow Remote Clients, Allow Remote Administration, Allow InBound, and Allow OutBound. OK
6.Restart the MSDTC services. (in some cases you may need to restart the VM)
Once done...
Go to infrastructure - compute resource EDIT and Data Collection.
This should resolve the issue.
Best of luck.. !!