Hey all,
i'm going in circles for months now on this with vRA 7.0.1 ... i'm desperate, VMware support does not know what to look at either. Maybe someone here managed to do something that should be very simple ...
we deploy machines into different VLANs (each service their own). There is no DHCP in those VLANs. I think this is standard setup in every enterprise. All those machines get static IP from vRA and need to join the domain.
if I use vSphere guest customization then domain jojn sometimes fails (guest OS customization timeout). sometimes the NIC is not connected when it tries to join domain. it fails. timeout after 2 hours
VMware KB says flat out VRA+static+domain-join it is not possible, use guest agent script: Cannot join a virtual machine to a domain when using vSphere and VMware vRealize Automation Network Profiles to assign s…
This works perfectly fine if its a bare infra machine. However ... as soon as I add a software component to this blueprint (no matter what content, example install IIS) the guest script to join the domain runs a 2nd time (why???) and this causes failure of course, deployment is torn down.
I thought I was smart and just modified my script to do error checking (if it ran before then just don't join domain again) but the software component (install IIS) never runs. its stuck in status "waiting"
it seems this was never tested. I can't reliably deploy machines that join domain using vRA provided IP and add software components .. i could scream ...