Hi All,
In vRA 6 we used the following code to return the Parent of a component virtual machine in a Multi-machine deployment, and then manipulate the Parent object as required:
var virtualMachineEntity = vCACVm.getEntity();
var isComponent = virtualMachineEntity.getProperty("IsComponent");
System.log("Component? " + isComponent);
if (isComponent == 1){
// If it is a component, then get parent
var parentMultiMachineEntity = virtualMachineEntity.getLink(host, "ParentVirtualMachine")[0];
var parentMultiMachineName = parentMultiMachineEntity.getProperty("VirtualMachineName").toString();
//... Now set relevant Properties for updating the Parent (Multi-machine) object and call "updateVCACEntity" from here ....
With vRA 7 and converged blueprints, the "ParentVirtualMachine" link property of a vCACVM is Null, so the normal code to get hold of the parent (Deployment) does not work.
It's easy to GET the properties of the Deployment object through a REST call, but there does not appear to be a method to update the Deployment properties using REST?
Does anyone have some code that demonstrates how to update the properties of a vRA 7 "Deployment" item?
Many thanks