I'm having difficulties getting VM names to show up in notifications and was wondering if anyone had any success doing this?
I've tried a couple of different ways now. It almost looks like there is absolutely no way to do this with information that is not available at the time the request is submitted. In the case of VM names we generate them in a buildingmachine stub and then update the vcacvm properties in the same stub, but when i dump out and look at the literal maps used by notifications it doesn't appear to be pulling any values except those that were submitted, i.e. in the cause of virtualmachinename it's not pulling anything.
These are the methods I've tried in csp.places.iaas.forms.vm:
#set ($hostname = "#valueOf('VirtualMachineName')")
#set( $vmname = $formData.get("provider-VirtualMachineName") )
The latter is the same property name that I see in a dumped out literal map.