We have been working on getting vRA 7 deployed. In the process, we have amassed some strange failures and requests that are stuck "In Progress". I am trying to figure out how to clean these up.
In the cases where installing software components hanged and the deployment request is stuck "In Progress" forever, I was able to delete them using this reference http://open902.com/vra7-delete-stuck-in-progress-deployments/.
The last cases are a little harder for me to figure out how to cleanup. They are deployments that have completed, and so the object exists as an item, but the machine object under the deployment no longer exists. This results in multiple expiry and destroy requests that never complete, and stay in progress.
For example:
The deployments exists under items:
But trying to destroy some of them results in an error:
The following component requests failed: Server2012R2Agent. Internal error in processing component request: [Rest Error]: {Status code: 502}, {Error code: 10107} , {Error Source: null}, {Error Msg: You cannot perform that action because the system cannot connect to the provider at https://VRAURLREDACTED/WAPI/.}, {System Msg: Provider service is not available or in error state.}
And some of them do not have an available action to destroy:
I would appreciate any advice and how to go about cleaning these up. I am thinking this may involve the IaaS database...
~ Darrenoid