Good day all,
Here is how the approval process is setup.
- Approval policy has a single level, and is setup to use External Approval
- The external approval workflow is called by an Event Subscription for a Pre Approval
- The vRO workflow grabs the available data from the input called payload
- The Workflow then makes the request to the external system (ServiceNow)
- The WF then polls SNOW to see if the request is approved / rejected, the completes the pre approval.
But I need to add the Number of CPU's, and Memory Size (as a minimum).
There are only two Properties available under System Properties for the approval level.
I've tried adding VirtualMachine.CPU.Count and VirtualMachine.Memory.Size as a custom property (I also tried vSphere_Machine_1-property name). However fieldValues is never populated.
Any thoughts on how I can add those property values to the payload fieldValues?