Cross posting this question from the vRO community thread Find the vRA vCACCAFE:CatalogItemRequest associated with a vCAC:VirtualMachine deployment. I haven't gotten a response there so I am hoping someone here will have a good solution.
I've been trying to figure out how I grab the request associated with a IaaS deployment. Once the resource is created there is a binding id so I can use the cafe entities finder to search on the host name then filter the results to find the one that matches the binding ID. I'm having difficulty trying to link the something to the request though. I need to grab the requestedFor information. It doesn't seem to be part of the vCAC:VirtualMachine properties or extended properties and I need it during deployment so I can't grab the owner off of the catalog resource because it doesn't exist yet. I am hoping to snag it from the request since the information is there. If anyone has figured this out I'd sure appreciate a code snippet. Thanks!