Hey all,
I never used the configurationadmin (i always did it manually) before and it fails for me as it can't find endpoint resource.
this is what I setup during installation (in wizard)
this is what the configurationadmin configured before it failed (to me this is correct):
and this is what the log complains about:
The attached endpoint: "r4-xxxx" can't be found. The endpoint should not be called "r4-xxx". In installer i configured as name "vCenter". "r4-xxx" is the FQDN of my vcenter
if I check on the agent machine itself:
C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\vCAC\Agents\vCenter>DynamicOps.Vrm.VRMencrypt.exe VRMAgent.exe.config get
managementEndpointName: r4-vc01.site2.corpit.tm
doDeletes: true
it seems even the agent thinks its name is vCenter and the FQDN of the vCenter is r4-xxxx
I then deleted the endpoint and credential created by configadmin. Then requested the initial vsphere config again. This time I used the FQDN of vCenter as agent name and hostname. And that worked?!
it also found the cluster and added it as a resource. All successful
That is not supposed to happen I think (at least not based on my past experience)