So I'm looking for a way to adjust the nextNumber property of a prefix through Orchestrator. I found a nextNumber property for a vCACPrefix which correctly returns the next number to be assigned to that prefix, but I don't see any methods to adjust it out of the box. Just curious if anyone's attempted that and how they went about it.
Basically I'm provisioning multiple IAAS blueprints through one ASD workflow. The catch is I need to know the names of all VMs and set them in a custom property for future use. That's proving very difficult since the names don't get assigned until after the request is submitted. I can make it work with custom names since i can set those pre-build, but I really want to use our standard naming convention. At first I thought I could just use the nextNumber property and with that I could determine what the next three VM names would be. That technically works, but the big catch there is that if two users were to submit a request at the same time the nextNumber property wouldn't be updated in time. I was thinking if I could adjust the number through vCO then I could determine the next numbers to be assigned, assign them pre-build, and then increase the prefix next number. Sorry I know that's kind of long winded. Hopefully what I'm trying to do makes sense. Thanks for any input.