Hey guys,
I have used Application services 6.2 with vRA before and after a lot of head ache got it working with windows Template.
Now I recently started working with vRA 7.0 and as the application services is integrated here and since there is no way to upgrade from 6.2 to 7.0 i am left with creating a new template.
So I created a template using the official guide, some blog posts and even using the same steps i had used for 6.2. But it had refused to work.
Anything anyone can suggest will be really helpful.
Another approach i am trying is, trying to create the AppD.properties manually.
I already have a appd.properties file for 6.2
If some one could maybe give me a demo appd.properties file for 7.0 i could hopefully replace the parameters and try it for my setup
also any help on how temp.key line is generated would be really appreciated.
Hoping to listen from all the master here.