Using a third party automation tool, the vCloud Director REST API is used to get information about the virtual Datacenter. The REST call results in the following (truncated?) XML response, and subsequent error during parsing.
This is using ElectricCommander with vCloud Director 5.5.5. This does not occur with vCloud Director 5.1.
Any ideas what could cause this truncation from the vCD side? Is this even possible? Or would you suggest this is more of a client side (requestor) issue?
I can tell you the REST API call is executed using the PERL command - $::browser->request($req);
In addition, the same REST API URL used in the Chrome Advanced REST Client utility results in a full XML Result, not truncation.
During my testing, with vCD 5.5.5, I have found that XML responses smaller than 10KB seem to be fine, but more than 10KB fail. Yet, with vCD 5.1, a 61KB response still succeeds.
GET vDC Info |
10143 (fail) |
2174 |
15229 (fail) |
61003 |
Any ideas?
<ResourceEntity type="application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vAppTemplate+xml" name="N_P1014_0421b_rtm_and_P112_0715aSb_pnsuv032_tcme20_db_only" href=""/>
<ResourceEntity type="application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vAppTemplate+xml" name="P101_rtm_La_utf8_db_only_for_pnlv6026" href=""/>
<ResourceEntity type="application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.v
unclosed token at line 167, column 8, byte 32709:
<ResourceEntity type="application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vAppTemplate+xml" name="N_P1014_0421b_rtm_and_P112_0715aSb_pnsuv032_tcme20_db_only" href=""/>
<ResourceEntity type="application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vAppTemplate+xml" name="P101_rtm_La_utf8_db_only_for_pnlv6026" href=""/>
<ResourceEntity type="application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.v