When I create a clone blueprint from a VC template I normally specify a customization script. I have 6 custimaztion scripts starting with the name "Base ......." which I can view in the vSphere web client on the VC.
When I search for the them via the vRA customization spec field in a blueprint using the word "Base" I only get 4 displayed. Also if type in the full name of one of the missing ones and save it, then on blueprint provision I get an error that the customization script is not found. I can see and edit on the VC. I have done vRA Compute Resource data collections but this has no effect.
Does anyone have any idea why I'm only seeing in vRA some of the customization specs from the VC?
Also I can see one added in Dec 2015 but am missing one from July 2015.
vRA 6.2.0
VC 5.5 update 1c