Reading this: vCloud Automation Center Documentation ... provisioning Windows (Linux works!) VM with the following properties defined does not work as expected. Properties attached to VM are:
VirtualMachine.Network0.Address :
VirtualMachine.Network0.DnsSearchSuffixes : xyz.local
VirtualMachine.Network0.Gateway :
VirtualMachine.Network0.Name : DATA-01
VirtualMachine.Network0.PrimaryDns :
VirtualMachine.Network0.SubnetMask :
But when VM is cloned and customization is complete:
- PrimaryDns, DnsSearchSuffixes are not configured
- Static IP, Mask, PortGroup and Gateway are configured
It seems to be an issue of moving vCAC machine properties to the sysprep configuration - before sysprep is called the DNS parameters are missing from C:\sysprep\sysprep.xml as it can be seen on the screenshot in red (there is no reference to DNS server IP in whole sysprep.xml file). Yellow configuration is as expected.
This works for Linux VMs, which makes it look like a bug on Windows. Anyone else experiencing this? Anyone has a work around?
vCAC Build 6.2.2-2754020