In vRA 6.x we wrap all of our IaaS blueprints with ASD and ultimately deployed VMs using Action item “requestCatalotItem” from a vRO workflow. Since all of our IaaS blueprints in 6.x included a single vSphere VM, we simply build the Properties input value for requestCatalogItem using “put” for each key/value pair:
var inputs = new Properties();
- inputs.put("provider-blueprintId", "1fb93e9b-7aa6-4c85-a427-560361467f94");
- inputs.put("provider-VirtualMachine.Admin.Owner", new vCACCAFEStringLiteral(requestedFor).getValue());
- Etc.
In vRA 7 the virtual machine blueprint is now one component of a deployment. A simple request now looks something like:
"@type": "CatalogItemRequest",
"id": "144e6880-1e89-4b0d-8029-8490d2942d6f",
"iconId": "00a5dcbd-f65b-46eb-802f-96badc1bf17a",
"version": 6,
"requestNumber": 366,
"state": "SUCCESSFUL",
"description": "",
"reasons": "",
"requestedFor": "svc-vcloud@xxxxxxx",
"requestedBy": "svc-vcloud@xxxxxxx",
"tenantRef": "vsphere.local",
"tenantLabel": "vsphere.local",
"subtenantRef": "aad7014e-425e-490b-818b-64548afbc22e",
"subtenantLabel": "Test Group"
"requestorEntitlementId": "59a31e5e-c9ae-477b-82a3-17d9b8bc6946",
"preApprovalId": null,
"postApprovalId": null,
"dateCreated": "2016-01-30T04:15:26.144Z",
"lastUpdated": "2016-01-30T04:24:19.267Z",
"dateSubmitted": "2016-01-30T04:15:26.144Z",
"dateApproved": null,
"dateCompleted": "2016-01-30T04:24:19.267Z",
"requestCompletionState": "SUCCESSFUL",
"completionDetails": "",
"resourceBindingIds": null
"key": "provider-CentOS_6.5",
"type": "complex",
"componentTypeId": null,
"componentId": null,
"classId": "UNKNOWN",
"typeFilter": null,
"key": "cpu",
"type": "integer",
"value": 2
"key": "memory",
"type": "integer",
"value": 2048
"key": "storage",
"type": "integer",
"value": 20
"retriesRemaining": 3,
"requestedItemName": "DEV CentOS_6.5",
"requestedItemDescription": "",
"components": null,
"stateName": "Successful",
"bindingId": "vsphere.local!::!CloneCentOS65",
"id": "19eb1719-f6b8-4a9f-8e03-2b3d8fbb8f1c",
"label": "Blueprint Service"
"executionStatus": "STOPPED",
"waitingStatus": "NOT_WAITING",
"approvalStatus": "POST_APPROVED",
"phase": "SUCCESSFUL",
"id": "00a5dcbd-f65b-46eb-802f-96badc1bf17a",
"label": "DEV CentOS_6.5"
What I’m struggling to do in version 7 is add key/value pairs to the entries array of the blueprint component, provider-CentOS_6.5 in the example above (red text).
For example, if I want to add a key/value pair in 6.x I would use “ inputs.put("provider-Custom.Cmdb.PatchWeek", new vCACCAFEStringLiteral(patchWeek).getValue());”. Doing this in version 7 you end up with the property assigned to requestData instead of added to entries under "key": "provider-CentOS_6.5".
I’m sure it’s possible to do this in version 7 using vRO and requestCatalogItem but I’m struggling to get my code to work.
Does anyone have suggestions for adding properties to a component within a deployment using a method similar to what I did in 6.x?