I’m using CloudClient 3.4 against vCAC 6.1.1
I have several machines I need to change the lease for. I’ve worked my way up to figuring out that the command I need to run is:
vra provisioneditem action execute --id da813a6e-af7a-46b7-a528-36f092c40c8a --action "Change Lease" –properties “expires=MM/DD/YY”
When I run that command, I get:
CloudClient>vra provisioneditem action execute --id da813a6e-af7a-46b7-a528-36f092c40c8a --action "Change Lease" --properties "Expires=2/1/2016"
Error: The input provided resulted in a REST exception: Unknown field: Expires. The HTTP status is 400 - BAD_REQUEST.
I need help with what to put behind --properties. What prop(s) drive(s) lease expiration?
- What do I need to put in the properties field? (Property name(s)? Is there a certain date format?)
- Can I pass multiple machine IDs via a single command? I would assume that I would comma-separate them and wrap the whole thing in quotes?
- Am I on the right track here?