Hi All ,
I have already raised below are the feature request to VMware .
#1) If we have requested suppose 40 (any number) VM's and if there is no compute left after 39th of VM provisioning , VRA won't activate the VM's on the user "ITEMS" tab , it can visible in the dashboard calendar of events and VRA managed machines . This because VRA is not checking the compute resource neither softly or hardly before the provisioning place as soon as the request is approved.
#2)Most of the environment having single tenant multiple business , VRA request notification natively misses , Requester Name , EID and most importantly from which business group the request is placed and Number of VM's requested (I am speacking about IMAP integrated VRA emails with velocity template )
#3 If you have IMAP integrated , VRA will not send the approver comments to the user , suppose you have rejected a request with an expanation , VRA will not send this information to the user.
#4: Lease expired VM will autoshutdown by VRA , a nice feature , this will happen with in 5 minutes , BUT there is no option of extend the time as a custom property to 15 minutes or something , this sometime needed for compliance perspective
Whatever I have mentioned here are few of the suggestion to make VRA as more powerful , there are several ways to resolve above mentioned issues in VRA, these all are minor feature request without any day-2 operations.