If compute cluster resource pools are used on HA/DRS clusters, how do I maintain those resource pools properly when VCAC is implemented?
Previously, when VMware admins provisioned all the VMs manually, they could always keep track of what VMs were going into what resource pools on a compute cluster.
The more VMs you add to a resource pool with 5000 shares, the fewer shares are available to each VM. As an admin provisioning VMs directly without self-service tools in the picture, you can keep track of the shares, ratios and resulting processor and memory resources guaranteed to VMs during contention.
Now Enter VCAC into the picture. Users can request their own VMs via self service. VMware admin comes in and 50 new VMs showed up overnight. VCAC knows how much storage, processor, and memory were available and everything is fine from that perspective. But unless I'm mistaken VCAC has no way of tracking and maintaining relative ratios in processor and memory share values between different VMS on the same compute cluster. An admin still has to manually maintain that. Worse yet he has to now figure out what applications those were that showed up in the new vms from last nights VCAC provisioning on the cluster and make sure that the shares they are assigned during contention are proportionate to the shares assigned to other VMs in other HA/DRS resource pools. I'm sure there is a solution to this problem that someone has.
The VCAT specifies that:
"it is not considered a cloud if there are manual procedures that must be performed by the cloud administrator or service provider to provision cloud resources following a consumer request"
The idea here is that we shouldn't have self-service provisioning tied to manual processes that VMware admins have to do on their compute clusters after a VM is provisioned.
How do we both implement self-service for VM provisioning and NOT have to manually maintain compute cluster resource pool share values and ratios on HA/DRS clusters?