I have some problem with vCAC 5.2. Currently each data collection about vCenter failed (inventory,state,performance,vCNS). I have multiple error like :
DC: 1eaa57d7-33d7-41c4-ab5b-05adc6b46d4f: inventory: LAB-vcenter: LAB-Cluster: Error processing data collection response, StatusID = 959cacac-d8bc-44d8-9718-fab88b75fc7c, exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
In group machines, some VM have state "missing". It's because, users request VMs on vCACSelfService portal , then provisionning start or approval process and vCAC service crash (because under 5% of free memory)... So some VMs are not full provisionned ans another are in state "awaiting approval"
So I think I have to clean my database ? , but how ? which table ?
Any help will be very appreciate.
EDIT: To clean request, I purge rows on DataCollectionStatusID => OK
But still KO for collecting (vCenter and VCloud) some examples:
Workflow "vCloudDisposeVM" failed with the following exception:
System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot find the virtual machine with the id : 04c1e280-391a-4e9e-99a7-34e0a5c2947f
DC: 8b60dd14-09b5-40c2-9fb4-83d2da34014f: inventory: LAB-vcenter: LAB-Cluster: Error processing data collection response, StatusID = 20783c93-3d2d-4efe-af71-9d92346699ce, exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
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