I have a nice WIN2K8R2 blueprint that uses a vCenter customization to Sysprep, join domain, etc. The VM looks great and every configuration is applied to the VM, but vCAC never receives notification that the customization is complete and stays in the "CustomizeMachine" state, so the VM never reaches available "Items" in vCAC; it can only be seen in Infrastructure > Managed Machines. It fails after some time but again the VM is perfect, vCAC just doesn't classify it as a completed "Item". Anyone else having issues with this?
Also, if I remove the Customization Specification from the WIN2K8R2 BP, it completes the build and moves it to available "Items", but will not apply the Network Profile IP configuration with VNXNET3 - it sets the WIN NIC to DHCP (Automatic), which isn't being used. All my RHEL BP's are able to complete to available "Items" in vCAC with vCenter Customization.