Hi all,
Having upgraded my vCAC installation to 5.2, I am now having issues with the vSphere Endpoint and vCenter.
Essentially, the upgrade wasn't an upgrade, it was an un-install of 5.1 and fresh install of 5.2 (new DB etc). I also un-installed all the agents etc, and re-installed as part of the new 5.2 build. (Also, SQL instance hosting the DB is on the same VM as vCAC).
Now however, when I enter my new vCenter Endpoint and connect it to a new agent on the vCenter server, I get the following error reported a few times per minute in the vCAC console log viewer:
Severity: Error
Source: Repository
Instance Name: Repository
Username: <'DOMAIN\vCAC service account'>
Machine: <vCAC Host>
Message: Access Denied ('DOMAIN\vCenter Domain service account'). Entity 'TrackingLogItem' Inner Exception: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. Base Exception: Access Denied ('DOMAIN\vCenter service account'). Entity 'TrackingLogItem'
The Endpoint for vCenter is configured to use the SDK address for the vCenter with HTTPS, and I have tried it using either 'Integrated' or 'DOMAIN\vCenter service account', but whatever combination I use, I always get the error. The agent on vCenter is set to logon as the Domain\vCenter service accont, not Local System Account as per the documentation.
There are no firewalls or other infrastructure between the 2 VMs (vCenter and vCAC host).
This is driving me crazy - anyone got any thoughts on what could be causing this?
Many thanks in advance,