I've been running a vRA 6.2 instance using a vCloud Suite Standard key that has no expiration, for the past month or so. I was recently given an evaluation key for vRealize Automation Advanced, but it expires in a couple of months. I have been able to add the eval license via the portal, without any problems. However when I try to add the key via the management site for the appliance, I receive an error that says: "Unable to downgrade existing license edition"
I suspect that this is related to the expiration of the eval key that I'm trying to enter. This wouldn't be a big deal, if could start setting up approval policies, but it seems that won't happen until I upgrade the key on the appliance. Also possibly related, I cannot add an active Eval Key for ITBM to the vRA appliance, nor am I able to connect ITBM to vRA. Not sure if this is related to licensing or not, though.
Is there anyway I can get this license installed on the appliance without tearing it down? This is for an in-house POC and I've already created a lot of blueprints and added multiple public/private endpoints. So if I could avoid recreating all of the work I've already done, that would be great. Any ideas? Screenshot attached.