i try to make a asd service that allow bg admin to change to user pw in AD from the user in their own OUs
- OU1
- UOU1
- UOU2
- OU2
- OU3
"the ou1 bg admin should only be able to change the password from user1,2,3 not from 4 and 5."
the workflow to change an user ad password is working.
my problem the "presentation" in vcac.
the recurse thing is missing i vcac.
i try to solve my problem with a presentation action (sry i dont know the excact word), but so dont work as i expect.
I want to give only the allowed user back to vcac.
attrOUs = ActiveDirectory.searchRecursively("OrganizationalUnit","TUDO");
for each (ou in attrOUs){
for each (attrUser in ou.users)
var username = attrUser.getAttribute("userPrincipalName")
at ** i try to push the user to an Array/AD:User but this dont work.
i hope somebody understand my problem.