I'm trying to work out how to programatically change the reservation policy and storage policy on vCAC:Virtualmachine as part of a "Change Service Class" day-2 vRA Action via vCO. This needs to include Storage vMotion to a different sDRS cluster/datastore and/or re-assigning VM to a different vSphere storage policy (similar to Cloud Management Marketplace | Solution Exchange).
I've had a look at various approaches including Cloud Management Marketplace | Solution Exchang but the result does not change the VMs reservation policy, and in most scenarios after the VC:VirtualMachine is migrated to alternate storage, there are discrepencies when viewing or editing the properties of the VM in vCAC (e.g. edit VM - cannot see the disk to edit). This is including after forcing a vCAC sync/inventory update.
I can see there are a number of vCAC VM properties that might need to change, and - assuming it's possible - would like to understand the best method of achieving the above while keeping vCAC model consistent with the new storage/VM compute location in vSphere:
__reservationPolicyID = 15DE50B9-3740-4EA3-8440-387F4F58FA93
VirtualMachine.Storage.Cluster.ExternalReferenceId = group-p15722
VirtualMachine.Storage.Cluster.Name = ATCA_ITaaS_QATD_Gold001
VirtualMachine.Storage.Name = ATCA_ITaaS_QATD_Gold001
(same for each disk)
This looks like it might provide a way
... but context is at time of provisioning and I want to make sure I'm going down a supported path ...
So the question is is there a supported method of updating all of the required properties on a vCACVM individually, or is there a single call to change e.g. vCACVM reservation policy/storage policy that emulates the GUI functionality?
vRA team?
Many thanks for any assistance