A quick background is that I'm trying to set the IP Address, Subnet Mask, Gateway, and Primary/Secondary DNS properties in a vCO workflow using the BuildingMachine stub to make use of an IPAM.
Using the following method (thanks SkyCoop), I can set a custom property unrelated to networking:
actionResult = System.getModule("com.vmware.library.vcac").addUpdatePropertyFromVirtualMachineEntity(vCACHost,virtualMachineEntity,"Property.Name","Property Value",isFalse,isFalse,isFalse,isFalse);
After the VM has been provisioned I can look at it via vCAC and see the property and its value.
However, if I try to set the IP using the VirtualMachine.Network0.Address property the same way, it does not work.
actionResult = System.getModule("com.vmware.library.vcac").addUpdatePropertyFromVirtualMachineEntity(vCACHost,virtualMachineEntity,"VirtualMachine.Network0.Address","",isFalse,isFalse,isFalse,isFalse);
Has anyone successfully set the network configuration like this?