Anybody play around with this much yet?
It has similar targeting functionality as the Approval Policies... but since the "Target" is a Machine or Custom Resource, where it is shown or hidden in the Items List based on conditions, I would expect to see filters relative to (for lack of a better term) runtime attributes.
- The current logged on user can determine whether an action is shown or hidden.
- An AD group the current user is in can determine whether an action is shown or hidden. (obviously this requires an AD lookup)
- The presence of OTHER list items can determine whether an action is shown or hidden.
- The state/presence/value of metadata for the Item can determine whether an action is shown or hidden. (e.g. a machine powered ON or OFF, or maybe some "field" in a custom resource item's data equals some value)
There is a wealth of runlevel data that happens during list load that is not available to the Resource Action Filter as far as I can tell. Am I off the mark? Does anybody see something in there that I missed that would allow for these capabilities?